The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy - C.483 - 426: Car Accident


Chapter 483: Chapter 426: Car Accident

Because they were busy at the 319 (ii) Research Institute for several days.

After confirming it was related to the new 319 elixir, Daisy Zane sneaked out to find the Dean while Kevin Clark was busy downstairs in the Laboratory.

In the Deanā€™s office, the two chatted for a while, and Ezekiel Santiago said, ā€œNicholson, this is very dangerous for you. For both industrial and personal reasons, I donā€™t want you to take this risk.ā€

ā€œThere will be no danger,ā€ Daisy Zane said calmly.

ā€œWhat if?ā€ Ezekiel asked back, ā€œNow itā€™s not just Edward Kirstenā€™s power, but also the meddling from the M Continent.ā€

ā€œThis method is the fastest,ā€ Daisy Zane did not answer him, but said, ā€œThe emergence of 319 (ii) means that there will be a batch of experiments in progress. We donā€™t have that much time.ā€

Ezekiel looked at her without speaking.

ā€œIā€™m in Imperial Capital, they canā€™t take me away,ā€ Daisy Zane said.

ā€œKevin wonā€™t agree.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s whyā€¦ donā€™t tell him,ā€ Daisy Zane said, ā€œHe doesnā€™t know I came today.ā€


ā€œI remember that many things in the Research Institute donā€™t require their permission,ā€ Daisy Zane looked at Ezekiel Santiago.

Ezekiel didnā€™t speak.

Daisy Zane paused, raised her eyebrows, and said, ā€œAfraid that Kevin Clark will come looking for you.ā€

Ezekiel still didnā€™t speak, but this time it seemed like he had acquiesced.

Daisy Zane raised the corner of her mouth and said, ā€œLetā€™s treat it as my way of repaying you for helping me ask for leave last time. I can help you block people.ā€

Ezekiel was still silent, and after a while, he said, ā€œYou go back first, and Iā€™ll think about it.ā€

Daisy Zane knew that the matter was 80% certain, so she didnā€™t stay long and returned to the experiment.

When she arrived at the entrance of the Experimental Tower, she happened to run into William Lane leaving.

When William Lane saw her, he immediately smiled and asked, ā€œWhere have you been?ā€

Daisy Zane put on a serious face and lied, ā€œI saw a friend at the entranceā€¦ You left early.ā€

The smile on William Laneā€™s face deepened, ā€œIā€™m free for now. Amelie and my parents went to the M Continent for a few days and returned today. Iā€™m going to the Airport to pick her up.ā€

ā€œSheā€™s coming back by herself?ā€

ā€œYes. There was a dance exchange meeting in M Continent, and my parents still have to stay there for half a month,ā€ explained William Lane, ā€œAmelie went with them to play for two days but got bored and came back. Moreover, the results will be released in a few days.ā€

ā€œA top scorer (valedictorian) is about to appear in your family,ā€ Daisy Zane said.

William Lane looked at her for a while and softly called out, ā€œLila.ā€

Hearing the two words, Daisy Zaneā€™s eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at him and asking, ā€œWhatā€™s the matter?ā€

William Lane saw her accept it and sighed in relief, ā€œAfter my parents come backā€¦ go home and take a look.ā€

Daisy Zaneā€™s hand caressed the pocket of her white lab coat for a moment, and she was silent for a while before responding, ā€œOkay.ā€

William Lane gave a gentle smile, raised his hand, and stroked her hair, ā€œGo inside.ā€

When Daisy Zane entered the Experimental Tower, William Lane turned around and walked towards the entrance.

And at the moment, Young Master Laneā€™s stride was a little crooked.

He walked indifferently for a while but couldnā€™t help laughing out softly.

His sister was going home.

His sister was going home.

His sister agreed to go home.

Daisy Zane returned to the laboratory, and an hour later, she accidentally broke the beaker while cleaning it.

Then Daisy Zane ended todayā€™s experiment and went to Celestial Pivot.

Holt Lawrence called her a few days ago, saying there was a batch of system tests at the Celestial Pivot and asked her to help.

Actually, remote testing would have been fine.

Itā€™s just that testing, modifying, attacking, and repairing were time-consuming processes, which were repeated several times.

So, she didnā€™t have time to test these days.

Since she was free today, she sent Kevin a message and went straight to the Celestial Pivot.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cŃ³m.

Testing was easy for Daisy Zane; she was in charge of the attacks, and the Celestial Pivot staff were responsible for the repairs.

In fact, this so-called system test was just camouflaged assessment and training.

In the past, this was Holtā€™s responsibility.

But since Nathan Ninevara took action, Holt invited her to come.

Daisy Zane just needed to move her fingers to attack, and the Celestial Pivot staff then spent who knows how much time repairing.

And this processā€¦ lasted from noon until one oā€™clock in the morning.

Daisy Zane sent Kevin a message telling him she wouldnā€™t be back that night and would stay at the Celestial Pivot.

Kevin might have been busy in the laboratory and replied after about ten minutes.

Daisy Zane didnā€™t think much about it, and after the test at one oā€™clock in the morning, she further strengthened the defense system of the Celestial Pivot before going to the Villa in the backyard.

The villa in the backyard had always reserved a Room for her and was regularly cleaned.

However, Daisy Zane hadnā€™t stayed in this Room for over two years.

She didnā€™t know whether it was the unfamiliarity from not staying here for a long time or something else, but Daisy Zane didnā€™t sleep well that night.

Before seven oā€™clock in the morning, she simply got up, washed and rinsed, and planned to return to the Research Institute.

As she went downstairs, Holt Lawrence had just returned from the Celestial Pivot Building and was about to go to rest.

Seeing her, Holt asked, ā€œAwake so early?ā€

ā€œIā€™m afraid that you, the second-ranked hacker, will harbor murderous thoughts towards me, the first-ranked,ā€ Daisy Zaneā€™s lazy and cold voice clearly indicated that she hadnā€™t slept well. ā€œYou didnā€™t sleep either?ā€

ā€œYeah, Iā€™m going to sleep now,ā€ Holt Lawrence said, ā€œThereā€™s Breakfast on the table.ā€

ā€œOkay,ā€ Daisy Zane replied softly, her eyes downcast as she walked downstairs.

Holt went up two steps, suddenly remembering something, and stopped and asked, ā€œBy the way, Nana, how is William Lane?ā€

Daisy Zaneā€™s footsteps paused, and she turned and looked at him. Most of the sleepiness in her eyes disappeared instantly, ā€œWhat?ā€

ā€œWilliam Lane.ā€

ā€œWhat happened to him?ā€ Daisy Zane frowned and asked.

ā€œYou donā€™t know? Didnā€™t Kevin tell you?ā€ The sleepy look on Holtā€™s face cleared a bit, ā€œHe had a car accident yesterday morning. It was quite serious.ā€

Holt said, recalling that Daisy Zane was almost in a closed test at the Celestial Pivot yesterday. Even he only found out about the accident around 3 am.

He continued, ā€œWilliamā€™s car was hit by two cars and ended up sandwiched in between, followed by a truck crashing into them too. The driver died on the spot, and it seems William Lane is also in serious condition. However, the news was blocked, so weā€™re not clear about the specifics of his condition.ā€

Daisy Zaneā€™s pupils trembled violently, and her face turned pale in an instant.

ā€œNana, are you okay? Whatā€™s wrong?ā€ Seeing something was off with her, Holt came back down the stairs.

Daisy Zane swallowed tightly and looked at Holt, her voice hoarse, ā€œGive me a car key. Hurry up.ā€

ā€œWhere are you going? Iā€™ll take you,ā€ Holt worried about her and was concerned about traffic safety on the road today.

He feared receiving countless fines.

ā€œWhich hospital is William Lane in?ā€

Holt Lawrence said, ā€œFirst Hospital.ā€

ā€œTake me there.ā€


