Super Spender - C.387 - 381: Changes!

Super Spender

C.387 - 381: Changes!

Chapter 387: Chapter 381: Changes!

Translator: 549690339

After returning to Celeston City, Finn Lewis called Jay Sommer and then went directly to Blue Wind Technology Company. The scale of Blue Wind Technology hadn’t increased significantly, but the business was continuously expanding because the demand for servers from WY kept growing.

Finn came here with a purpose, Jay obviously knew why Finn had come here and took Finn towards their destination, “Sir, I think it’s quite good,” Jay spoke up, “He is trying hard, at least he is making a real effort.”

Finnnodded and followed Jay into the corridor ahead, where he heard a familiar voice: “Mr. Parker, it’s not that we’re unwilling to provide relevant data, but this data is not within our agreement.”

“Is that Jason Wells?” Finn looked somewhat surprised at Jay. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

“Yes, although his reading and writing ability is still poor, and besides professional knowledge, his daily conversation ability in Federation Language has no problem at all,” Jay Sommer said with a smile.

“Wow, this kid is something,” Finn was really surprised. He knew well what Jason was like before, but in just a short time after being sent to Jay’s company, this man who hadn’t even finished junior high school was speaking fluent Federation Language. Can you believe that? Although his reading and writing ability was quite poor, being able to converse in Federation Language was also very impressive.

In fact, many people who have passed Level 8 in Federation Language still have poor conversation skills. “He forces himself to learn the conversion in Federation Language, completely ignoring how to write the words he pronounces while remembering what these pronunciations mean.” Jay Sommer nodded.

Finn also nodded in agreement. This was similar to how a child learns to speak. They don’t know how to write the words or what they mean. At first, they just learn that a certain sound corresponds to a certain concept. Over time, they naturally start to converse. Of course, with this level of Federation Language, they can converse in everyday life, but if you ask them about specific words, they would be completely lost.

Following Jay to the door of the room ahead, Finn saw Jason Wells discussing something with a foreigner. Jay whispered a brief introduction to Finn, explaining that the foreigner was an IBM employee, and that Jason was now the logistics director at Blue Wind Technology.

Several other people were assisting Jason with his work. The Jason Wells of today was completely different. He sported a short haircut, wore a grey suit and tie, spoke clearly, and presented himself confidently. Though he still had a way to go before he could be considered a top-level executive, the fact that he had changed this much, from a mere thug to what he was now, mastering Federation Language in just over two months, Finn understood how hard this had been.

It seemed that Jason had been truly motivated by something. However, Finn was very satisfied. In this way, he would have a potential candidate to take charge of his logistics company.

Finn didn’t interrupt Jason’s negotiation. He waited until the negotiation seemed to be almost over and those few IBM employees had left, then came out of the room he had just been in. Noticing Finn, Jason was taken aback momentarily before speaking, slightly embarrassed, “Bro, you’re here.”

The way Jason addressed Finn as “bro” left his assistants dumbfounded. Blue Wind Technology was a fully-owned subsidiary of Virtual Technology Co., Ltd., which was owned by the world’s richest man. They were all very proud of this fact, so everyone at Blue Wind Technology knew who their ultimate boss was. Moreover, they had all seen photos of Finn online.

At this moment, seeing Finn and recognizing who he was, Jason’s assistants were even more shocked by Jason’s casual form of address. They were almost popped their eyes out. “Holy shit,” one of Jason’s assistants, who was standing to his left, blurted out. Realizing what he had just said, he remembered he was in the presence not just of their boss’s boss, Finn, but also Jay Sommer, the company’s general manager who they called the ‘Iceberg Beauty’.

“Get a grip, guys. Speak properly,” Jason chided, patting the young man’s shoulder as he laughed.

“Go ahead and give them the details, I need to talk to you about something,” Finn said to the young men with a smile, then walked straight into the conference room they had just left. Once Finn and Jay had entered, Jason’s assistants spoke to each other in disbelief: “Damn it, Jason, don’t tell me the world’s richest man is your brother?!”

“Yes, he’s my cousin.” Jay paused for a moment, then admitted with a smile.

“Holy crap, Jason, you’re too humble!” The assistants were all a bit dizzy. Even though they were just cousins, that was still an impressive connection, right? If they remembered correctly, Jason was just a regular employee when he first joined the company, and even seemed to have been bullied by some senior employees. However, Jason never said anything and just worked hard.

Jason’s rise to the position of logistics director at Blue Wind Technology Company in such a short time was due to his own hard work, plus Jay’s support. After all, given the same circumstances, Jason, a person who hadn’t even finished junior high school, didn’t have any advantages.

But… is it really okay for him to act like this? He has the cousin of world’s richest man, but he’s eating boxed lunches at the company, commuting by bus, and chatting with them just like any other coworker?

“Enough, guys. You all know what I was like before. If it wasn’t for my cousin, I’d still be a thug. Now, I have to go in. You guys leave first, sign the contracts and stuff, and later I’ll call for you.” Jason pointed to his assistants and spoke.

The assistants nodded rapidly, “Got it, Jason. You go ahead.” After Jason went back into the conference room and closed the door, they looked at each other, visibly excited. They couldn’t believe their coworker, who they treated as any other guy, was actually the cousin of their boss’s boss.

Wow! This was like being on the track to promotion and salary increase, to becoming CEO, and marrying a rich and beautiful woman! They were all quite excited. “Be smart, guys. Since Jason didn’t bring it up, we should keep it quiet.” One of them suggested quietly.

“Don’t worry. We’re not stupid. There are already so many sycophants. If we spread this, it will probably become bothersome. Let’s go, clean up, and get Jason to treat us to dinner tonight.” Another quickly added.

