Super Spender - C.386 - 380: Acquisition

Super Spender

C.386 - 380: Acquisition

Chapter 386: Chapter 380: Acquisition

Translator: 549690339

“I need you to speed up the acquisition process. Show the strength of your Reeve Silver Group. These aren’t very big companies. What I need now is time – do you understand?” Finn Lewis picked up the phone and directly addressed Lawrence Rodger.

For each company, Finn provided the acquisition price evaluated by Olivia Thatcher. He then threw these figures to the Reeve Silver Group and the Floral Group, leaving them to negotiate. The resulting acquisition prices were their business. However, as Finn was currently in need of time, he naturally put pressure on them.

The companies Finn wanted to acquire were not large. Even though there may have been dozens of them, the average market value of each company was around 150 million federal coins. But the sheer number of these companies signified higher profits for Reeve Silver and the Floral Group. The price for each company brought in a significant sum, and when added up, it was not a small number at all.

Additionally, I will notify you that the acquisition list for the three banks will be unified. Whoever acquires a company first will own the profits from that enterprise. One more thing – after these enterprises are acquired, they will have to merge into a single global logistics company. I need an excellent management team. As for the team-related personnel, I don’t want to have to be responsible for organizing them,” Finn expressed his demands frankly. 𝗳re𝗲𝚠e𝐛n𝗼v𝗲l.c𝐨𝐦

“I understand,” Lawrence Rodger replied spiritedly. Although he wasn’t sure what the matter at hand was, he noticed the severity in Finn’s tone, implying that Finn attached great importance to the situation.

Passing the same information to Oscar Blair and Matthew Chan individually, Finn left the matter to the three banks. He then boarded a plane to fly home. During the flight, he contemplated the current circumstances. He needed funds. His income seemed substantial enough, yet it couldn’t keep up with his expenditures. However, he never intended to withdraw funds from Atletico Madrid. Although the amount was substantial, it couldn’t resolve the issue. Most importantly, if Atletico Madrid thrived, it would also benefit Finn.

“Young Master, I have approximately shaped our approach,” Olivia Thatcher said as Finn’s plane landed at Celeston City International Airport.

“I see, notify Lewis Senior and the others to prepare,” Finn contemplated for a moment before responding.

“Yes, Young Master,” she acknowledged.

Without any hesitation, Finn pushed forward. Any hesitation could lead to more casualties. Since he had already made a decision, he decided to follow through completely. He had no fondness for these indigenous people, so lingering on potential repercussions would be useless. He decided to send them straight to hell.

“What about the remaining people?” Finn asked after mulling over it for a while.

“We need you to exchange robots to cope with this task, Young Master,” Olivia responded decisively.

“Robots?” Finn raised an eyebrow. “Are you suggesting using the T800s?”

“No, not T800. It’s the T3500 model,” Olivia clarified immediately.

“The T3500 model? What use does it serve?” Finn was taken aback, then promptly asked. Each T3500 robot cost him 200,000 in exchange value. He had noticed the model before but had no idea what it was for. Many of the specialized terms in its description were beyond his comprehension. All Finn knew was that T3500 and T2500 were similar: they were both special purpose robots with absolutely no combat abilities and were almost as ordinary as humans.

“The T3500 model mainly affects the brains of living creatures by generating electromagnetic waves to subconsciously enhance their favorable impression. While these waves may have very limited effects on intelligent creatures like humans, they can still prove reasonably effective over the long term through subtle influence. Most importantly, if we employ this method, there won’t be that many of these remaining people left after we successfully carry out post-war immigration, and we can completely assimilate this insignificant population,” Olivia explained plainly.

“Really? There are robots with an ability like this?” Finn was stunned, then asked incredulously, “Isn’t this thought control?”

“Young Master, the effects aren’t as profound as you implied. These special electromagnetic waves, coupled with some propaganda, can yield admirable results. For instance, when you are telling someone a story, and the T3500 model also reiterates the story, the listener will be more absorbed and at ease. It’s beneficial for propagandizing. However, if the listener bears deep hatred towards you, these waves will be useless,” Olivia Thatcher pointed out.

“Generally speaking, they are more effective on lower intelligence creatures or animals. They can also achieve certain effects on higher intelligence creatures.”

“Alright, I understand,” Finn nodded, finding this quite like trying to increase favorability ratings. Even though it was not targeted at humans primarily, still, this ability seemed quite magical.

“However, we cannot execute this mission too early. The population we control is too small. Even if we completely evacuated the people from these few islands, we would still lack the power to occupy them. We need to first propagate our own population,” Olivia added.

“Alright, I got it. Make a plan and then hand it over to Henry Lewis. He can exchange information with Lewis senior and the others, ensuring proper timing,” Finn nodded. This mission in the Sixth Dimension wasn’t very critical. If Finn wished to complete it, he could directly mobilize great power. However, doing so would disrupt his original plans, such as not impacting the world’s progress too much.

“The assets have been prepared. However, we need to pay 10,000 points per year,” Olivia stated.

The appearance of these figures had prompted Mister M to make several calls to Finn Lewis. Finn, of course, would not reveal his “operation.” He informed Mister M that each of these people originally owned these shares. Mister M was unsurprised. After all, Finn still held over forty percent of the shares and was the largest shareholder.

Finn had 100% ownership in Zero Holdings, and Zero Holdings held 40% of the shares in the Virtual World Stocks Company. It wasn’t hard to investigate this information. Consequently, the news of Finn’s decreasing wealth spread across the world swiftly. Based on the current value of the shares, Finn’s wealth was roughly 560 billion federal coins, and he couldn’t even make it into the top three wealthiest individuals.

However, this situation further solidified the belief that Finn was the primary financial investor in this mysterious foundation. This was incredibly exciting for Reeve Silver and the Floral Wealth Group. This identity was their main attraction, not his status as the wealthiest man in the world.

