Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.457 - : Donā€™t Show Off to Me Again

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.457 - : Donā€™t Show Off to Me Again

Chapter 457: Chapter 457: Donā€™t Show Off to Me Again

Translator: 549690339

Fortunately, he didnā€™t embarrass himself in front of Cindy and Morgan.

A small toy car, just a little bigger than Morgan, appeared before her eyes.

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The Old Master is quite extravagant, buying the little one a bright red small Mercedes-Benz.

The surface of the toy car is shiny and under the light, it could even reflect someoneā€™s face.

ā€œItā€™s so beautiful!ā€ The little one couldnā€™t contain her excitement, dancing around the toy car for three circles before reaching out to touch it.

The little one looked so precious.

ā€œDaddy, youā€™re amazing!ā€ Morgan gave Adrian Zhekova two big thumbs up.

Even Cindy revealed an admiring expression.

Indeed, a man is necessary in the family, as both a husband and a father.

There are many things she cannot do, but as a father, he could do.

Now with Adrian Zhekova in the family, things feel more reliable.

How could she have thought before, that it would be okay to not be married and raise Morgan alone?

A father is indeed indispensable.

Or rather, a father like Adrian Zhekova is needed.

Seeing the eyes of Cindy and Morgan full of dependence on him,

Adrian Zhekovaā€™s heart soared.

He couldnā€™t help but stand tall.

See, how important he is.

Morgan couldnā€™t wait to open the car door and sit inside.

The toy car is small, so the seat is not as functional as a real car.

Thereā€™s only one seat, and itā€™s just enough for Morgan to sit in.

But besides that, all the interior decorations are very intricate and realistic.

And the car door has to be opened before one can get in.

There is a simple accelerator and brake pedal beneath the feet.

The rear trunk can also be opened, and although the space is not big, it could fit a small childā€™s backpack.

Though small, the toy car is complete in every detail.

The little one sitting inside looked almost like the real deal.

The car hadnā€™t been charged yet and couldnā€™t run.

But it didnā€™t matter, as the little one was too excited to care about these details.

She could sit in the car and imagine sheā€™s driving at lightning speed.

Both her little hands held the steering wheel, turning left and right, the wheels following her movements.

ā€œVroom vroomā€¦ā€ Morgan even mimicked the sound of a car accelerating.

ā€œI have to thank Great Grandfather.ā€ Morgan was a very conscientious child.

This toy car was a gift from the Old Master, and now that it was set up, Morgan wanted to show it to him.

So she sent a video call to him via Whatsapp.

The old and young, ever since the Valentineā€™s Day, had added each other on Whatsapp.

Proclaiming themselves as the best in the world.

Seeing the video call from Morgan, the Old Master proudly showed it to the Old Madam: ā€œLook, itā€™s a call from Morgan. Morgan, do you see?ā€

Old Madam, wearing reading glasses, said jealously, ā€œI see.ā€

ā€œAy, why doesnā€™t Morgan look for you first? She comes to find me.ā€ The Old Master showed off with an especially provocative expression, ā€œAy, ay!ā€

The Old Madam was so angry that she threatened, ā€œIf you keep showing off, Iā€™ll end this call. Iā€™ll let Morgan think you rejected her call.ā€

Old Master:

ā€œAre you going to answer it or not?ā€ The Old Madam threatened him again, ā€œIf you donā€™t answer, Morgan will think you donā€™t want to pick up, and sheā€™ll hang up.ā€

The Old Master was almost laughed into nightmares by the Old Madam: ā€œIā€™ll answer! Who said I wonā€™t answer!ā€

As the Old Master said that, he hurriedly picked up the video call.

Then they saw the cute little face of Morgan on the screen.

