Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.456 - : Dad is Superman, Capable of Anything

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.456 - : Dad is Superman, Capable of Anything

Chapter 456: Chapter 456: Dad is Superman, Capable of Anything

Translator: 549690339

Adrian Zhekova was busy with work, but since Cindy Clarke was at home, Adrian no longer had to work overtime at the company like before.

But that didnā€™t mean he could finish all his work at the company.

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Instead, Adrian chose to bring his work home and complete it in his study.

Little Morgan Zhekova could only slowly assemble his Lego by himself.

Cindy wouldnā€™t let him disturb Adrian while he was working.

Finally, it was Friday today.

Adrian was not busy today and didnā€™t have to work when he came home.

The little guy immediately pulled Adrian to assemble the toy car sent by the Old Master; he wanted to play with it.

For a week, the toy car had been sitting in the house, and he couldnā€™t drive it.

It was driving him crazy.

Every day, he held the packaging box of the toy car, looking at it with longing eyes; it was so pitiful.

Unfortunately, assembling the toy car was quite troublesome; it was a labor-intensive task, and Cindy really couldnā€™t do it.

Right now, Adrian was assembling the toy car for little Morgan, and Morgan watched from the side.

Cindy brought milk for Morgan: ā€œDrink some milk, and watch from the side as you drink.ā€


Somehow, it felt as if Morgan was watching a show with great leisure while drinking.

Adrian was sweating profusely here.

He had never assembled this before either.

He couldnā€™t help but despise the Old Master.

When you buy something, why not buy one thatā€™s already assembled? It wouldā€™ve been more convenient!

Wasnā€™t this just digging a hole for his grandson?

Adrian looked at the diagram and assembled it, but sometimes he installed the wrong parts.

Or sometimes, he couldnā€™t connect the parts properly.

Morgan looked worriedly and asked, ā€œDad, do you really know how to do this?ā€

ā€œIf you can do it yourself, then go ahead!ā€ He actually blamed him!

ā€œIā€™m a child; the reason I canā€™t do it and asked for your help is that they say Dad is Superman, capable of anything. Why canā€™t you do it?ā€ Morgan pouted.

ā€œWho says I canā€™t? Look, Iā€™ve already assembled half of itā€¦ā€ Adrian glanced at Cindy. Although he was feeling guilty, he still appeared confident. ā€œAlready halfway done, right?ā€

Morgan sat on the floor with both hands supporting his cheeks: ā€œDad, can you finish assembling it tonight?ā€

Adrian looked at the time. It was already 8:30 pm. ā€œEven if I finished assembling it, you wouldnā€™t have time to play.ā€

ā€œI wonā€™t play tonight.ā€ Morgan said, ā€œI just hope that you can finish assembling it for me tonight, so I can take it to the racecourse tomorrow and drive the toy car into the venue.ā€

How cool would that be!


Your ideas are quite impressive.

However, the major competition was organized by his company.

If his son wanted to drive the toy car into the venue, this small wish should be fulfilled.

Others may not be able to do this, but his son must be able to do it!

How else could he stand out from the crowd?

ā€œOkay!ā€ Adrian nodded, gaining new motivation. ā€œIā€™ll finish it for you tonight.ā€

Morganā€™s legs joyfully kicked, ā€œGo, Daddy!ā€

Adrian glanced at Morgan, who took a sip of milk and watched him work comfortably.

He thought to himself, this kid is really blessed.

ā€œCindy, Iā€™m thirsty too.ā€ He turned his head and said to her.

Next to Adrian was the coffee table, and on it was his tea.

It was actually within his reach.

So, Adrian meant for her to feed him?

How did this man have so many tricks up his sleeve!

Cindy tested the temperature of the water, then replaced the old tea with a cup of hot tea and held it in front of Adrian.

Adrianā€™s heart, which had been hurt by Morgan, was finally soothed again.

Finally, after half an hour, Adrian let out a sigh of relief: ā€œDone, Iā€™ve assembled it for you.ā€

