The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy - C.485 - 428: Lane Family


Chapter 485: Chapter 428: Lane Family

Daisy Zane looked at William Lane outside the intensive care unit.

Inside, he was the only one present, his eyes tightly shut, and there was not a hint of color on his face.

The only evidence that he was still alive came from the monitor next to him.

Through the glass, Daisy Zane looked at William Lane.

She connected fragmented memories bit by bit, putting them together to form a complete recall.

Charlotte Lane started remembering things from a very early age. She still remembers some things from when she was about three years old.

During that time, William Lane would wake her up every morning. He would carry her to wash and rinse, and even helped her comb her hair.

At that time, William Lane was only about ten years old.

Now looking back, Daisy Zane realized that William Lane, at such a tender age, seemed to have become a father figure.

ā€œLila, would you stop letting Kevin Clark carry you all the time? Isnā€™t it okay if your brother carries you?ā€

ā€œItā€™s good when my brother carries me too.ā€ Little Lila said, ā€œBut I also want Brother Arthur to carry me.ā€

ā€œThen you cannot call him Brother Arthur, you should call him Third Uncle.ā€

ā€œBut he is Brother Arthur.ā€

Not long after that conversation, Charlotte Lane could no longer see Kevin Clark.

During that period, Kevin Clark used to visit Old Master Lane of the Lane Family nearly every day.

However, Old Master Laneā€™s residence was in the north of the manor house. There was a door in the north that could be arrived at without passing through their living quarters.

When the time came, Charlotte Lane would run to the north.

But each time, William Lane would coax her in various ways to prevent her from going.

This situation continued until she was nine years old, and Kevin Clark, who was fifteen at that time, no longer came.

During that time, only when Charlotte Lane occasionally accompanied Old Master Lane to the Clark Manor, could she catch a glimpse of Kevin Clark.

Thinking of this, Daisy Zane let out a small laugh. But the tears slid from the corners of her eyes.

Her expression remained mostly unchanged. She lifted her hand to gently wipe the tears off her face. After one more glance at William Lane, she turned and left.

Holt Lawrence immediately followed her.


ā€œGo to the Lane House.ā€ Daisy Zane strode away.

Holt Lawrence immediately left his perplexing thoughts behind: ā€œOkay.ā€

As the car started, Daisy Zane made a phone call to Luke.

She said only two sentences.

ā€œDoes Oscar Turner know?ā€

ā€œIn two days, I want his power to disappear from this world.ā€

Holt Lawrence swallowed nervously at her words and tried to minimize his presence.

The Lane Family Home

The reception room was crowded with people.

Old Master Lane sat in the front.

On his left sat Mr. & Mrs. Clark, Kevin Clark, Hugo Clark, and Allonzo Hobson among others.

The rest of the seats on the right were all occupied by people from the Lane family.

Oscar Turner sat at the front on the right; the remaining seats were occupied by various relatives from the Lane family.

The Lane family assets were divided so that Andrew Laneā€™s family held 67%, and the remaining 33% was given to these relatives.

Andrew couple held 22%, and then William Lane and his two siblings each held 15%.

The Lane family had a lot of relatives; when the 33% shares were divided, not much was left for each family.

Everything was between 2% and 5%.

Oscar Turner had 6%; it was with this 6% that Old Master Lane severed their ties.

Oscar Turnerā€™s parents were the ones to save Old Master Laneā€™s life.

Old Master Lane, out of gratitude, adopted him.

But once, Oscar Turner had strayed off the path and nearly caused a loss of life. Because of his actions, Old Master Lane retired early from his position.

Later, when Turner showed no signs of improvement, the Lane family gave him 6% of the companyā€™s shares, severed their ties with him in a final act of kindness.

He had no say in the affairs of the Lane Family; his only benefit was the annual dividends from the Lane Familyā€™s wealth.

But a thankless wolf will inevitably bite the hand that feeds it.

ā€œFather, today is our familyā€™s internal meeting, isnā€™t it inappropriate for so many outsiders to be present?ā€ Oscar Turner sat in his seat, addressing Old Master Lane.

Old Master Lane, dressed in a traditional Tang suit, his hair completely white, held a longevity lock in his hands.

Clearly, he was not as robust as before, but he remained resolute: ā€œWhen did I ever say that today was our familyā€™s internal meeting? And when did I ever announce that we would have a meeting today?ā€

Oscar Turner laughed lightly, replying: ā€œYou never mentioned it, but since everyone is gathered here today, why not now?ā€

ā€œDid I summon you all?ā€ Old Master Lane retorted sternly, ā€œIf you have no business here, you may all leave. The Lane Family has no intention of entertaining you today.ā€

ā€œFather, thereā€™s no point resisting anymore.ā€ Oscar Turner pressed, ā€œThis meeting must happen now, or if not now, inevitably in the future. With Andrewā€™s coupleā€™s whereabouts unknown and Roy Madisonā€™s and Amelie Quentinā€™s fate uncertain, shouldnā€™t we start making plans?ā€

Kevin Clark looked up at him.

Old Master Lane tightened his grip on the longevity lock: ā€œOscar Turner, are you threatening me with the lives of my son and daughter-in-law?ā€

ā€œIf you perceive it as such, Iā€™m not opposed to the idea.ā€ Oscar Turner brazenly exposed their confrontation, and then turned to face the man opposite him, saying, ā€œUncle Clark, The Lane family is indisposed to entertain outsiders today. But rest assured, Iā€™ll personally visit you all once weā€™re available.ā€

ā€œOscar Turner, it is not for you to decide who the Lane Family invites or not.ā€ Old Master Lane growled under his breath. fɾeewebnoveā„“.coą¹“

ā€œFather, this houseā€¦ā€

ā€œAnd what if we do not leave today?ā€ Kevin Clark cut him off.

Oscar Turner turned to look at him, asking, ā€œKevin Clark, today concerns the Lane Familyā€™s internal affairs. Does the Clark Family intend to interfere?ā€

ā€œWhen did I say I wanted to interfere?ā€

ā€œThen for what reason do you bring such a large group here?ā€ Relatives from the Lane Family who sat across the room started to raise their voices.

Gently rubbing his fingertips, Kevin Clark retorted, ā€œThen why did you bring along so many people on your return trip?ā€

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ā€œExactly.ā€ Xavier Dominic quipped sarcastically, ā€œArenā€™t we just following your example?ā€

Everyone present knew clearly that, apart from the Lane Family, outsiders hold no sway in this matter.

Despite bringing in a large group, it merely served as temporary intimidation. No hands would be raised.

Because these people, whether itā€™s Oscar Turner or these relatives, possess real shares of the Lane Familyā€™s company.

If outsiders interfere.

This matter will immediately escalate into a conflict between the Clark and Lane Families.

Should the Clark and Lane families fall out, Imperial Capitalā€™s power will immediately swing one way or another.

Should the Lane Family face such a situation, it wouldnā€™t just cause a power reshuffle in Imperial Capital. It could deal a severe blow to the Lane Family, even resulting in people adding insult to injury.

Outsiders wouldnā€™t dare to take such risks, be it on a major or minor scale.

We must maintain the harmony in Imperial Capital, and we must protect the Lane Familyā€™s interests.

At this time, even if the Clark Family has grievances against Oscar Turner, they should put it aside temporarily.

Oscar Turner audaciously showed up precisely because he calculated this move.

Considering everyone present, neither the Clark nor the Hobson Family were a threat to him.

As for the internal matters of the Lane Familyā€¦Old Master Lane hasnā€™t received a single share. He hasnā€™t laid hands on the Lane venture.

Andrew Lane took over the Lane Familyā€™s power from Old Master Laneā€™s younger brother.

Within the power structure of Imperial Capital, particularly at this crucial point in time, the people who could be fully mobilized by Old Master Lane were limited.

Most of the Lane Familyā€™s powerā€¦At a time like this, they prioritized their shares.

Whoever gains the upper hand within the Lane Family, they would follow.

As for who would hold sway over the Lane Family at this juncture, it remains uncertain.

The Lane Family had done everything possible to avoid this situation, but it was still unfolding before their eyes.

Itā€™s not that the Lane Family was doing anything wrong, but rather such circumstances exist in every family.

If the Clark familyā€¦ if the three Clark brothers were at odds, the Clark familyā€™s predicament would be far worse than the Lane familyā€™s current situation.

