The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy - C.470 - 413: Dance Association Gathering

The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy

C.470 - 413: Dance Association Gathering

Chapter 470: Chapter 413: Dance Association Gathering

The Dance Association gathering was held half a month after the end of the tour.

The tour had taken longer than expected because they had encountered terrible weather at one of the places in D Continent. They were unable to go out for a month and all the schedules had been pushed back.

So, it took much longer than expected.

Every year at the Dance Association Gathering, Andrew Lane and Sophie Ortiz would attend, and they would also bring along William Lane.

Especially in recent years, William Lane had become a must-attend member.

The hospitality is insincere.

What kind of host!

Itā€™s obviously that Sophie Ortiz wants to find a daughter-in-law, soā€¦ William Lane is brought along to the gathering every year.

What if thereā€™s a potential match?

What if the fate doesnā€™t come this year, but arrives the next year?

So, Sophie Ortiz holds onto this hope year after year, several years have passed, and her son is still single.

The Dance Association gathering is not mandatory to attend, but most of them still do.

Of course, those who just joined the Dance Association last year have also attended. This includes Amelia Miles.

Amelia Miles and a few newcomers toasted to Sophie Ortiz, then left to toast the other teachers.

William Lane chatted with a few teachers of the Dance Association and then went over to Sophie Ortiz.

ā€œWhat are you looking at?ā€

Upon hearing his voice, Sophie Ortiz didnā€™t even look at him, she just said directly: ā€œSon, look, that girl. The one with the ponytail, wearing sportswear.ā€

William Lane saw her, but still said, ā€œWhich one?ā€

Sophie Ortiz turned her head and glared at him: ā€œAre you blind?ā€

William Lane laughed: ā€œWell, I see. Very conspicuous, everyone else is dressed so gorgeously, she is the plainest, so she was spotted at a glance.ā€

Sophie Ortiz raised her eyebrows: ā€œSo, what do you think?ā€

ā€œTwo possible thoughts. Either she is really plain orā€¦ trying to catch peopleā€™s attention.ā€ William Lane said lightly.

Sophie Ortiz laughed: ā€œWhat if sheā€™s intentionally trying to catch peopleā€™s attention? Has she caught Young Master Laneā€™s eyes?ā€

William Lane looked at the young girl and remained silent.

Seeing him not talking, Sophie Ortiz sighed softly.

Well, another unsuccessful match.

ā€œShe is last yearā€™s dance champion. Sheā€™s not trying to catch attention, sheā€™s just really plain.ā€ Sophie Ortiz said, ā€œHer family condition is average. But the girl is very good, very hardworking, and very resilient, I really like her.ā€

William Lane raised his brow.

Not hearing William Lane talk again, Sophie Ortiz sighed softly: ā€œAre you mute again? Get lost, donā€™t bother people here.ā€

Being scolded, William Lane laughed: ā€œMom, whatā€™s going on with dad?ā€

There are not few male teachers and male students in the Dance Association, Andrew Lane kept chatting with them.

However, William Lane noticed early that Andrew Laneā€™s left face seemed to be a bit swollen.

And after arriving, he didnā€™t drink a single glass of wine, and occasionally touched his face with his hand.

Itā€¦ seems uncomfortable.

ā€œItā€™s nothing. Just having a heat rash.ā€

ā€œHuh?ā€ William Lane was puzzled.

He wondered what could make his father feel upset.

ā€œYour grandfather told him yesterday about Charlotte Lane and Harton Clarkā€™s marriage news.ā€ Sophie Ortiz whispered, ā€œHe didnā€™t sleep all night, and his tooth swelled this morning.ā€

William Lane:

On the second day back from the tour, William Lane had told them about this matter.

Mainly because of the atmosphere at home, even if he doesnā€™t want to speak, he couldnā€™t hide this matter.

Old Master Lane stayed in Imperial Capital for several months without going back to Oxford City, getting up early every day to listen to the opera, take a walk, and practice Tai Chi.

Olivia Lane was living in a lodging place, but on the day they returned home, she was at home.

Unexpectedly, she was playing the pipa at home.

What was even more terrifying is that the single photo of Charlotte Lane that used to be on the display shelf in the living room had been replaced with a photo of Olivia Lane and Daisy Zane.

Andrew Lane and Sophie Ortiz held it back for a day, and finally called William Lane back.

After William Lane explained the situation to the two of them.

The two immediately packed up, picked up their suitcases, seemingly paid no attention to the big ā€œsonā€ in the living room, and went straight out, staying at the hotel where Charlotte Laneā€™s crew was.

It was rumored that they were caught as stand-ins outside the crew.

They didnā€™t come back until Charlotteā€™s crew went on a vacation.

Not sure if they were discovered by Charlotte Lane.

Anyway, William Lane has become totally indifferent now.

Having experienced Olivia Lane pretending not knowing and Old Master Lane pretending to have a ā€œchance encounterā€ at the show, he even pretended not to recognize him.

Knowing about what Old Master Lane did in the morning of that day in the afternoon.

William Lane was totally shocked.

Was it the grandfather he remembered?

So now his parentsā€™ actions have become insignificant to him.

Even if found out, Charlotte Lane will also cooperate with this act.

He did not want to put too much pressure on Charlotte, didnā€™t want her to feel that kinship was a hostage to force her home.

But he couldnā€™t control his longing.

As for Charlotte Laneā€™s sideā€¦ maybe she feels itā€™s easier without punching through this layer of window paper.

Soā€¦ it has come to the current situation.

The situation is okay, with the love gradually infiltrating and gradually getting closer.

Justā€¦ William Lane looked at his father and mother, and then thought of Olivia Lane and Old Master Lane.

This family mixing in the show business should all be the level of Best Actor and Best Actress.

ā€œDidnā€™t you go to the hospital for a check?ā€ William Lane asked.

ā€œI did. The medicine I took in the morning was very effective.ā€ Sophie Ortiz said, ā€œI surfed the internet in the afternoon and saw a photo of Charlotte and Harton Clark standing together, and then the medicine stopped working.ā€

William Lane:

When William Lane told them about this, he deliberately avoided the matter between Charlotte Lane and Harton Clark.

He felt that his father might not be able to take this news.

Butā€¦ it will be known sooner or later anyways. But he didnā€™t expect the news to come so soon.

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As the two were talking, Sophie Ortiz looked up and saw Amelia Miles walking towards them.

William Lane also saw it, but the two kept talking without any change in their expressions.

ā€œThe daughter of the Milesā€™s?ā€ Sophie Ortiz asked.


Sophie Ortiz had heard a lot about Charlotte Lane from Olivia Lane these past few days.

They missed Charlotte Laneā€™s life for ten years, so they tried to understand as much as possible within half a month.

All the details, they donā€™t want to miss anything they could know.

So they also learned some things about the Miles and Amelia Miles.

And Olivia Lane learned most things from Allonzo Hobson, she probably knew more clearly than William Lane.

ā€œIf I knew it earlier, I wouldnā€™t let her into the Dance Association.ā€ Sophie Ortiz murmured.

William Lane laughed: ā€œMom, you got so much criticism online for giving her a very low score.ā€

As the chairman of the Dance Association, Sophie Ortiz certainly has the power to decide anything. But the Association has always been democratic, and many teachers have the power to choose their own students.

So even though she didnā€™t like Amelia Milesā€™s dance at the time, she didnā€™t oppose it when other teachers picked her up later.

For Amelia Miles, it was an opportunity, a rare opportunity. For young people, since there is such an opportunity, she is still willing to give it.

As for whether she is suitable or not for this road will be proven by time.

Amelia Miles walked over here, and chatted with the people around halfway through.

Sophie Ortiz took back her sight and said: ā€œHer eyes are not clean enough. Ambition isnā€™t bad, but this ambition isnā€™t clean. A dance without a soulā€¦Whether itā€™s score or post-game interview, Iā€™ve been very restrained.ā€

But she didnā€™t expect that this person also bullied people at her home.

She must be dispensed with no matter what.

ā€œMom, people who are harmful to Charlotte, Charlotte almost never show mercy.ā€ William Lane said, ā€œBut Amelia Miles is an exception. Sheā€™s still safe and sound.ā€

Sophie Ortiz understood, paused and said: ā€œOkay, I wonā€™t get involved, I wonā€™t add chaos.ā€

Amelia Miles happened to come over and said respectfully: ā€œTeacher Ortiz, Young Master Lane.ā€

With the principle of not adding chaos, Sophie Ortiz and William Lane both politely chatted with her a few sentences.

