The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy - C.467 - 462: Fang Hong Faints


Chapter 467: Chapter 462: Fang Hong Faints

Luo Yi saw that Fang Hongā€™s face was indeed a bit pale, so he advised, ā€œYeah, Fang Hong, you need to pay more attention to rest. Your face looks terrible.ā€

ā€œYeah, we canā€™t finish our work all at once, so letā€™s take it slowly,ā€ Li Xiaohong also advised.

ā€œAlright, I got it, thank you guys.ā€ Fang Hong smiled.

ā€œFang Hong, have some water.ā€ Lu Jun poured a glass of water for Fang Hong.

ā€œThank you, Lu Jun.ā€ Fang Hong took it and took a sip. She was touched when she realized the water had sugar in it ā€“ it was sugar water.

Fang Hong looked up at Lu Jun, unable to hide her gratitude from her eyes.

Lu Jun nodded without saying anything, as his partner had dysmenorrhea. They had been to the doctor together about it.

He remembered the doctor saying that brown sugar water could help relieve period pain, so he often prepared it for her, hoping sheā€™d feel more comfortable.

Lu Jun recalled a time when his partner hadnā€™t eaten breakfast and fainted. The doctor said it was because of low blood sugar from skipping breakfast, and told him to buy sugar to dissolve in water for her to drink.

Since then, he had always carried sugar with him in case of emergencies. When he saw Fang Hongā€™s condition, he naturally assumed it was due to low blood sugar.

So, he took out the sugar he carried and dissolved it in water for Fang Hong to drink, hoping to alleviate her symptoms.

ā€œFang Hong, why donā€™t you ask Mr. Guo for leave and go back to rest?ā€ Luo Yi suggested to Fang Hong worriedly.

ā€œI agree. After all, your order is settled, and all thatā€™s left is for Mr. Guo to arrange for the workshop to make the clothes,ā€ Li Xiaohong thought Luo Yiā€™s suggestion was a good one.

This chapter is updated by freēwē

ā€œYeah, Fang Hong, go home and rest. If thereā€™s anything, weā€™ll call you,ā€ Lu Jun thought this arrangement wasnā€™t bad either, as long as the order was settled, there wouldnā€™t be any major issues left.

ā€œAlright, I got it. Iā€™ll ask Mr. Guo for leave in a bit.ā€ Fang Hong hadnā€™t been home for over ten days, so it would be a good opportunity to go back and catch up.

ā€œOkay, have a good rest, and weā€™ll get back to work.ā€ Luo Yi saw that Fang Hongā€™s face looked much better, and he smiled.

ā€œAlright, you guys go and get on with your work. Iā€™m fine,ā€ Fang Hong smiled and said to the three of them.

After hearing Fang Hong, Luo Yi and the others each went back to their own tasks.

After finishing the water, Fang Hong took the customerā€™s order and went to Mr. Guoā€™s office.

ā€œMr. Guo, here is the customerā€™s order.ā€ When Fang Hong arrived at the office, only Guo Aiguo was there writing something. She knocked on the door and went in.

ā€œFang Hong, youā€™re here! You settled the deal so soon? Great!ā€ Guo Aiguo was pleased when he looked at the order.

ā€œFang Hong, youā€™re really something. You managed to win over such a difficult person,ā€ Guo Aiguo had heard about this customer before, who was said to be quite tough, but he didnā€™t expect Fang Hong to handle him so quickly.

ā€œIt was alright,ā€ Fang Hong smiled and said. In fact, it was far from that; she had put in quite a lot of effort.

Initially, she had spent several days investigating this customerā€™s background, even his hobbies and interests.

In the end, Fang Hong found out that this customer was hen-pecked by his wife. Others might see it as hen-pecked, but in Fang Hongā€™s eyes, he was a man who loved his wife deeply.

So Fang Hong took the opportunity to get close to the customerā€™s wife and win him over through her. As a result, Qin Xue even became good friends with the customerā€™s wife.

Guo Aiguo didnā€™t know any of this, thinking everything was quite simple. Yet, Fang Hongā€™s efforts were not easy at all. She couldnā€™t tell Guo Aiguo all these details, so she simply smiled and brushed it off.

