Supreme Tamer - C.398 - 274: Split Reproduction, Qingzhe Dragon

Supreme Tamer

C.398 - 274: Split Reproduction, Qingzhe Dragon

Chapter 398: Chapter 274: Split Reproduction, Qingzhe Dragon

Translator: 549690339

God’s Innards

“Alright, now tell me, how can I get the Qingzhe Dragon’s egg.” Duan Xinhe’s eyes turned colder,

At this point, Chu Mu and Duan Xinhe had already entered the very center of God’s Innards, still an immense cocoon. This white cocoon was deeply buried in countless dancing silk, completely as if it was floating in the God’s Innards. This vast feeling invisibly brought some oppressive aura to people.

“I’ll go up, you wait here.” Chu Mu glanced at the colossal cocoon and spoke to Duan Xinhe.

Distrust appeared in Duan Xinhe’s eyes.

“Do you think I could escape your soul pets in such a space?” Chu Mu said.

“I’ll let my child go with you.” Duan Xinhe said and let the invisible gluttonous insect monster follow behind Chu Mu.

Chu Mu didn’t say anything and just slowly jumped up, gradually climbing to the very top of this gigantic cocoon.

Duan Xinhe didn’t follow himself. He dared to venture into God’s Innards but would never dare to confront an adult Qingzhe Dragon. That would be tantamount to seeking death. Thus, Duan Xinhe remained a certain distance from the huge cocoon while maintaining the invisibility status of his other gluttonous insect monster.

Chu Mu quickly jumped to the top of the huge cocoon. Of course, he could feel the invisible gluttonous insect monster beside him. Its disgusting stench seemed to be obscured by the dragon’s aura of the Qingzhe Dragon.

Standing on top, Chu Mu began trying to probe his soul sense into the huge cocoon to find out the current situation of the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon.

The cocoon is the perfect protection layer, including barriers against some spiritual powers. Chu Mu quickly found that it was difficult for his soul sense to enter the cocoon. In this way, it would be challenging for him to communicate with the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon.

In order to stall for time, Chu Mu deliberately paced back and forth on top of the gigantic white cocoon.. On one hand, he was looking for a place to probe his soul into, but on the other, he was trying not to arouse Duan Xinhe’s suspicion.

“Kid, have you found anything? Don’t play any tricks, or I’ll have you disemboweled right away!” Duan Xinhe threatened Chu Mu with his soul sense coldly.

“The Qingzhe Dragon is a Qingzhe Dragon after all. If it were that easy to get its egg, wouldn’t it be no different from those servant-level soul pets? Don’t be hasty. Let me find the location.” Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu remembered that he had communicated with the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon using his soul sense inside God’s Innards on Prison Island. This proved that there must be a place in the gigantic cocoon to allow spiritual power to penetrate it.

“Little fellow, little fellow, don’t sleep. Wake up and give me some hints. Can’t you see I’m in big trouble? Don’t wait until I’m nearly killed by the Yang Family bastards like last time before you show up.” Chu Mu searched and prayed silently.

Only by relying on the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon could a character like Duan Xinhe be killed. Chu Mu needed to find a way to establish a mental connection with the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon to save himself.

“Young Master, what on earth are you doing? Aren’t you putting your life in the hands of the Underworld Palace like this? Even if the Qingzhe Dragon can break out of its shell and kill Duan Xinhe, you won’t be safe.” Fox Elder’s voice resounded in Chu Mu’s spiritual world.

“I know. I’m looking for a place for the soul sense to penetrate the cocoon. Fox Elder, do you know where it is?” Chu Mu asked.

“How could I know? Young Master, in my opinion, you should try to half-demonize and then flee to the land at once. That’s the only hope for survival.” Fox Elder said.

“Fox Elder, why do I feel that God’s Innards is a bit strange?” Chu Mu asked.

For some reason, Chu Mu always felt that there was something different about God’s Innards from what he had seen on Prison Island. The color of the white silk seemed to be less pure and mixed with some green hue, and the shape of the cocoon was slightly peculiar compared to the gigantic cocoon he had seen on Prison Island before.

“It’s like saying that you’ve seen God’s Innards.” Fox Elder said.

“Stop talking nonsense, quickly tell me some information about God’s Innards.” Chu Mu said.

“God’s Innards is a unique hibernation method for Zhe Dragons, and it could be said that it is one of the most peculiar and magnificent phenomena in the entire soul pet world.” Fox Elder said.

“So is it possible that every time it turns into God’s Innards, it will be different?” Chu Mu inquired.

“No, the God’s Innards of a Zhe Dragon remains the same from birth to death; the only difference is the size of the area it covers. Scholars call this type of consistently same God’s Innards from birth to death the ‘Dragon’s Mark’. Many scholars and ancient scholars can identify which specific Azure Sky Hidden Dragon it is by discovering a God’s Innards, or from the description of someone who has seen the God’s Innards. So, if you’ve seen a God’s Innards before and the style slightly differs from the current one, it means you’ve seen a different Azure Sky Hidden Dragon,” said Fox Elder.

“Different Azure Sky Hidden Dragons? Are there many of them?” Chu Mu was immediately surprised. frёewebηovel.cѳm

“Don’t you remember the list of people Duan Xinhe mentioned just now? Aren’t they the Soul Pet Masters who own Azure Sky Hidden Dragons? These people all got Zhe Dragon eggs from the split reproduction of Azure Sky Hidden Dragons,” Fox Elder said.

“Aren’t the reproductive abilities of higher-level soul pets worse? Why can the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon reproduce so many offspring? Wouldn’t that break the balance of the entire soul pet world?” Chu Mu asked.

“This is what you don’t understand. First of all, there is a difference between the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon and the Qingzhe Dragon,” Fox Elder said.

“A difference? Isn’t Azure Sky Hidden Dragon just another term for Qingzhe Dragon?” Chu Mu looked confused.

“Of course not. The Azure Sky Hidden Dragon is the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon; Qingzhe Dragon is the Qingzhe Dragon. In other words, the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon is unique and has no gender distinction; it reproduces by self-fertilizing and then splitting offspring. This is the same as many insect species soul pets.”

“However, one special thing is that the offspring of many insect species soul pets are either Servant Beasts or bloodline descendants and others are Split Reproduction offspring. They are differentiated into direct reproduction, slave reproduction, and split reproduction. And the reproduction method of the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon is split reproduction.”

“Of course, the number of split reproductions of the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon is not as terrifying as some ant tribe soul pets. After all, dragons are dragons; they are unbeatable in strength but have shortcomings in reproduction.”

“The so-called Split Reproduction is the creation of a new life by consuming one’s own vitality. This new life is generally one or two levels lower than the original body. For example, a commander-level ant tribe soul pet’s reproduced soul pet must be a Warrior Level or Servant Level.”

“The Azure Sky Hidden Dragon is the same. The offspring it reproduces through split reproduction are all called Qingzhe Dragons instead of Azure Sky Hidden Dragons. The Azure Sky Hidden Dragon can be seen as the mother and father of all Zhe Dragons. Its rank is much higher than that of the Qingzhe Dragons. The current Qingzhe Dragons held by the experts in the Soul Covenant are all split offspring with a lower rank than the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon.”

Chu Mu had never thought of what Fox Elder had said. It’s no wonder that there is no one in the Soul Covenant who can control the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon now. It turns out that the rank of the separated Qingzhe Dragons is lower than the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon.

“So, Fox Elder, the one in this cocoon right now is probably not the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon, right?” Chu Mu asked.

“Definitely not. At first, I was misled by you and thought that the Qingzhe Dragon in Li City was an Azure Sky Hidden Dragon. Now it seems that it is just a Qingzhe Dragon with a very strong combat power. After all, if it were really the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon, Li City could not have been so unscathed. Moreover, it would be very difficult even for Li City’s World Lord to harm the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon. In my opinion, this Qingzhe Dragon is most likely an early split offspring of the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon and grew up on its own for many years, becoming an extremely powerful creature. Then, it deliberately flew from its habitat to the human world to find its mother,” Fox Elder said.

“A self-grown Qingzhe Dragon who is so powerful…” Chu Mu smiled bitterly. If this were not an Azure Sky Hidden Dragon, how could he communicate with the big guy inside the cocoon? After all, the Azure Sky Hidden Dragon knew him, but this mature Qingzhe Dragon might not recognize him.

“Hiss hiss hiss hiss~”

As Chu Mu was troubled, the Gluttonous Insect Monster next to him let out an extremely unpleasant sound, making Chu Mu feel a chill down his spine.

Chu Mu knew that Duan Xinhe was urging him, and if he didn’t come up with something tangible, Duan Xinhe would kill him immediately.

“It seems that I have no choice but to fight hard.” Chu Mu’s heart sank. Facing a strong opponent like Duan Xinhe, he could only resist by turning half-demon, striving to escape to the ground where he would be safer.

Chu Mu closed his eyes and began to communicate with the White Nightmare Demon in his Soul Pet Space.

The white demon, even if unwilling a hundred times over, had to cooperate with Chu Mu. The white demon had a stubborn personality, but it also didn’t want to lose someone to feed it delicious soul power.

The White Charm Demon Flame gradually leaked out from Chu Mu’s body…

“Shasha shash~”

Suddenly, several familiar sounds came from within the cocoon, penetrating into Chu Mu’s spiritual world!

Upon hearing this sound, Chu Mu’s eyes lit up instantly, as the Qingzhe Dragon inside the cocoon was trying to communicate with him!

(Today, I experienced the most genuine feeling of dread, like falling off a cliff in an instant… I apologize for the update delay. Little Fish is updating today’s chapters under the shadow of her biggest fear of the inner demons. I hope friends with extreme fear can eventually overcome their terrible inner demons.) (To be continued. If you like this work, please come to Qidian ( to cast recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

