Super Spender - C.491 - 485: Isn’t this too disrespectful?

Super Spender

C.491 - 485: Isn’t this too disrespectful?

Chapter 491: Chapter 485: Isn’t this too disrespectful?

“Where did we leave off in our conversation?” Although Finn Lewis had been out briefly, it had been no more than forty minutes or so.

“Graphene batteries?” Hanson Lee spoke up. Finn Lewis paused for a moment, indeed, graphene has been rated as a material capable of instigating the next industrial revolution, naturally, it’s not just about making CPUs. As a matter of fact, graphene batteries are the real game-changer.

Graphene batteries require only ten minutes for charging, yet their capacity far surpasses that of ordinary lithium batteries and others. The same volume of a graphene battery holds Threeto five times the capacity of any other batteries of the same size. This has been confirmed by research from all around the world. In Finn’s case, graphene batteries that include these additives have about twenty times the capacity of batteries made from other materials of the same volume.

However, the charging speed is approximately 1,500 times faster than that of conventional batteries! Even those graphene batteries developed officially by various countries have charging speeds a thousand times that of ordinary batteries. Say, the famous Tesla electric car, currently, a single charge allows for around 500 kilometers; even with a special high-voltage charger, it takes two hours to fully charge.

However, if we adopt graphene batteries, the charging time is reduced to just a few minutes, and its capacity is twenty times that of an ordinary battery, meaning it can cover about ten thousand kilometers. Such a range would greatly increase the functionalities of these cars.

One could also reduce the number of batteries, using the freed-up space for other functions, but either way, it signifies that new energy vehicles will substantially cover the world, replacing the fossil fuel-based energy of today. Therefore, the current drop in oil prices is entirely normal.

Humans have always claimed that there’s enough oil to last a hundred or two hundred years, but in reality, it won’t be needed for that long. New energy will replace oil. Of course, with the use of new batteries, there will be a higher consumption of electric power. Our dependence on electrical power will be pushed to its limit. This is where controlled nuclear fusion comes in.

The materials needed for controlled nuclear fusion can be extracted from seawater, unlike nuclear fission, which requires radioactive nuclear fuel and poses a significant risk. A nuclear leak could have unthinkable consequences. Therefore, these technologies complement each other quite strongly; no single one could replace the entire energy system.

Of course, there wouldn’t be a huge issue with small-scale usage. Since Hanson Lee mentioned graphene batteries, Finn knew what he wanted. The biggest issue with modern smartphones is their need for daily charging as their battery capacity is quite small. Currently, Planet’s market share globally exceeds that of Fruit. If Planet could pioneer this solution, extending a phone battery’s lifespan to ten days or longer, their phones would have incredible competitive strength!

Knocking Fruit off its high horse wouldn’t be difficult either.

“Then Mr. Lewis, what about that display screen you showcased?” Hanson Lee ventured tentatively.

“Let me put it this way.” Finn Lewis hesitated for a moment, frankly speaking, he hadn’t expected Hanson Lee to approach him so soon, let alone that the chairman of the Planet Corporation would come looking for him so quickly. “I own 4.8% of A Co.’s shares. Technically speaking, I am the largest individual shareholder of A Co. Additionally, I am planning to research and develop a revolutionary new phone.”

The moment these words left Finn’s mouth, Hanson and Graceful Lee fell silent. The atmosphere in the room changed instantly. Nobody has to wonder whether Finn’s idea of a revolutionary phone can compete with current ones. Avid fans, known as Apple fanatics, only use Apple products, but the introduction of a revolutionary new product wouldn’t stop them from switching brands.

Many people own two phones- an Apple and a Planet, they’re hardly a minority. The market is only so big. Currently, Planet and Apple monopolize the phone market, both companies collectively occupying over seventy percent of the global market share! Especially in the high-end phone sector where profits are highest! If Finn were to join, this would mean that this bowl of rice, previously eaten by two, will now be shared amongst three.

“Planet Corporation is willing to accept Mr. Lewis as a technical shareholder!” After some time, Hanson Lee surprisingly blurted out.

Finn raised an eyebrow, “I believe I need some time to think about it.” Finn contemplated for a moment before responding, as it will be at least half a year before graphene batteries and phone CPUs could be mass-produced.

“If Mr. Lewis has time, you are welcome to visit Planet Electronics in Southland Country. I believe the Planet Corporation could be a valuable choice for you.” Hanson Lee spoke earnestly.

“Hmm, I admire Planet’s ethos. However, I must say Planet has a fatal weakness.” Finn reflected for a moment before speaking.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

“What?” Hanson and Graceful Lee were taken aback. They glanced at Finn, stupefied.

“Southland Country is too weak.” Finn simply uttered this statement.

Hanson and Graceful Lee were momentarily dazed. Both were unsure how this related to Southland Country’s weakness.

“Mr. Lewis, forgive my forwardness, but how is this relevant? I thought we were discussing our partnership, not national politics.” Hanson Lee inquired, somewhat perplexed.

“Of course, it’s related. Although I recognise that Planet Corp can influence Southland Country’s trajectory, even its economy, Planet has integrated itself into every aspect of Southland. This is evident to anyone who has visited Southland. The issue is, though, Southland’s government is simply too weak. Maybe Mr. Lee, you believe Southland being weak isn’t a significant issue for Planet, but if, hypothetically speaking, there was a war
 Can Southland withstand the pressure?”

The two parties did not reach a consensus.

“We do hope to have an opportunity to show you around Planet Corporation in Southland, Mr. Lewis. I genuinely believe that Planet corporation will earn your trust.” Hanson Lee reiterated earnestly.

“If Mr. Lee insists on inviting me, then I will go when time allows,” Finn contemplated for a moment, then responded with a smile.

“In that case, I guess it’s time for me to depart.” Hanson Lee paused before saying this with a smile.

Finn Lewis did not insist on him staying. He let them leave. Hanson Lee and Graceful Lee left the perfectly ordinary courtyard. After leaving, Graceful could not help but speak. “Father, why must we partner with them? And it seems we didn’t accomplish much today. They really didn’t give us much face.”

