Super Spender - C.399 - 393: Helplessness

Super Spender

C.399 - 393: Helplessness

Chapter 399: Chapter 393: Helplessness

Translator: 549690339

“I understand, Young Master,” Olivia Thatcher agreed promptly. freeweɓnø

“Hm, and have that female T1000 robot tell them to stay put for a while. They shouldn’t go out until their wounds are fully healed,” Finn Lewis thought for a moment and added on.

There’s quite a stir in Gold and Silver City. Anyone capable of escaping from the hands of Kevin Worthington, the special forces captain, would certainly draw high attention. Such people, if they were to launch an attack, their power would be immense! The higher-ups can’t afford to take this lightly. However, they wouldn’t expect that in such a short time, Finn Lewis could relocate these people thousands of kilometers away. Still, warrants for Sophia Worthington and her crew were probably being issued, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Driving back to his home, Fishy Wells had already returned. Seeing Finn Lewis, Fishy Wells smilingly said, “Young Master, Emma Lewis has started working. But… she asked me to tell you something. Her dad is throwing a birthday party and would like you to accompany her.”

Finn Lewis paused, then scratched his head helplessly. He had a rough idea of what was going on at Emma Lewis’ family. Although they were not powerful businessmen, they were wealthy. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to associate themselves with the likes of Yves King, and the King family. But the King family was also having a tough time. With the growing anti-corruption campaign, more and more corrupt officials associated with the King Family grew compromised.

“Okay, when is this supposed to be?” Finn Lewis asked, scratching his head.

“In half a month, or mid-next month,” Fishy Wells answered.

“Prepare some information for me so I can figure out what gift to bring. I can’t think of an appropriate gift off the top of my head.” Finn Lewis pondered and said. The girl was already in his care; he wouldn’t shirk this responsibility. Not one to shirk responsibility, Finn Lewis was ready to face the consequences.

Just as Fishy Wells was about to speak, Finn Lewis’ phone rang. He looked at the incoming call, feeling guilty. He had just been discussing Emma, and now it was Kay Lee calling.

“Kay,” Finn Lewis answered the phone.

“Finn, I have something to tell you,” Kay Lee hesitated before speaking.

“What is it?” Finn Lewis chuckled and asked.

“In the next month, my grandfather’s having his birthday. He wants to meet you,” Kay Lee continued after a pause, “and my father might be coming back too.”

Her father? Finn was rather taken aback, but he quickly figured out who Kay Lee was talking about. Her father. The contents of the call made his heart skip a beat. He’d just been invited to yet another birthday party. “When is it?” Finn asked in a hurry.

“November 7th,” Kay Lee provided a precise date Marvin breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the dates of the two events hadn’t clashed, but having two major events in a month still seemed overwhelming.

“Okay, I’ll go with you,” Finn nodded and spoke without hesitation.

“Um, my mom is here. She wants to meet you,” Kay Lee said, sounding a little shy.

“Ah? When did Auntie arrive?” Finn asked, sounding a little surprised.

“She just arrived yesterday. I didn’t know until she called me after getting here,” Kay Lee replied in a low voice.

“Alright, then. I’ll come over tonight and take you and Auntie out for dinner at the Moon of West Lake,” Finn said after careful thought. Dining elsewhere now seemed to have lost its flavor after getting used to the cuisine of the Moon of West Lake. Food from other high-end restaurants seemed bland in comparison.

“Alright, then. I’ll bring my mom over there later,” Kay Lee agreed.

“No, I’ll come to pick you and Auntie up later,” Finn said in a quiet voice.

“Oh, alright,” Kay Lee thought for a moment and agreed.

After hanging up, Finn Lewis couldn’t hold back his bitter smile. Things were undoubtedly piling up. Thankfully they weren’t on the same day, otherwise things would have been disastrous. Seeing Fishy Wells standing not too far away, Finn Lewis felt a little sheepish and finally spoke, “I feel like I am a bit shameless.”

Fishy shook her head. She herself didn’t understand why she was shaking her head. Was Finn shameless? Technically speaking, he was in the past. If this was the old Fishy, she would probably call him a reprobate. After being with Finn for so long, Fishy didn’t really know what to think. How rich was Finn? By estimate, he must have at least 1,000 billion Federal coins for his net worth!

A man with a net worth of 1,000 billion Federal coins; how many mistresses, or women who wanted to be on his bed, did he have? There were countless, including Ruby Frank and Julia Parker, with no intentions to conceal their ambitions. They willingly threw themselves at him with a mutual understanding that Finn was unlikely to marry them. Would other men refuse?

No need to guess, as Fishy knew there were not many who could resist such temptations. Women like Julia Parker were not inferior to Fishy in beauty and figure. Even Fishy wondered whether she’d put up a fight if Finn made a move on her, given that she knows Finn was courting Kay Lee. Every night Fishy thought and asked herself, would she resist? But she herself didn’t have an answer.

