Super Spender - C.361 - 355: Visiting the Set – Part 2

Super Spender

C.361 - 355: Visiting the Set – Part 2

Chapter 361: Chapter 355: Visiting the Set – Part 2

Translator: 549690339

“Fine, once you’ve made yourself comfortable, you can handle the rest. Mr. Lewis asked me to tell you, the pocket money is in that drawer. Each bank card holds 1 million Federal coins, and there are two hundred cards in total. Check what’s missing on the aircraft and then call the relevant companies to deliver it. Remember, you must buy the best, understood? Besides, if you need anything else, you can use the money from the cards. After spending, just bring back the receipt. Also, don’t throw away the used cards, put them into the drawer below. From now on, your pocket money will be in there, don’t scatter it.” After finishing, the pilot walked out.

After the pilot left, these beauties were stunned. Pocket money?! This is pocket money? Two hundred bank cards, and one million Federal coins in each. Wouldn’t that mean there’s a total of two hundred million here? For a moment, all that was left on the plane were six beauties with dumbfounded expressions.

Riven Island beach, a designated area. Strictly speaking, this place can’t be considered an exclusive area because this beach is private with a row of villas behind it. Of course, these villas aren’t owned by an individual but are rented out by a company to vacationers. Each villa has its own private beach.

It was pretty easy for Finn Lewis to find this place. Was there anywhere in the North Federation that the Floral Group couldn’t locate? If Finn Lewis was pursuing other matters, it wouldn’t matter. But he was presently a “major financial investor” of the world’s most mysterious foundation. No one knew how Finn had gotten this far at his young age, but there are always geniuses in this world, aren’t there?

Plus, financial geniuses are common, so for those backed by countless big shots, like the Floral Wealth Group, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine their pursuit of top-level financial investors. Only these types of people are needed by these capitalists. Look at the examples Finn gave to the bank, just a few random words led the bank to a profit of over 70 billion Federal coins! What’s the concept of 70 billion Federal coins? What’s more, all that money was earned in just over a month!

This is the domineering aspect of top-level financial investors. They treat the international capital market like an ATM. The Floral Group viewed Finn Lewis in the same way a wolf views a lamb. Now, Finn was their bank’s customer, but even if he wasn’t, if he just showed them a bit of interest and said, “I can help you control your funds”, Red Flower Bank would gladly put billions of Federal coins into Finn’s hands.

Once the Federal coins are entrusted to Finn, they don’t mind what he does with them. Finn has acquired many businesses. His abundant resources are no secret to the major banks, but does Finn have that much capital? Probably not. So, based on what can Finn acquire so many companies, where does his funding come from?

As for how much of his acquisition funds are his own, why should you care? If the provider of the funds doesn’t care, then why should you? So, for a man holding power like this, or perhaps really having such power, it’s no difficulty to use money. A loan? Don’t joke. He has no shortage of capital. Actually, not only is there no shortage, but when he needs funds, a vast number of people are actually eager to give him money.

So, as it’s Finn’s first time visiting North Federation, is the Red Flower Bank attentive? The few bodyguards outside should tell you that he only brought Jim Lewis; with the Little Wildcat Protective Suit on him, Finn was no longer majorly concerned about his safety. As for bodyguards, one Jim was enough to solve any problem. At least it was so within the cities. Finn would not venture into battle zones, nor would there be any weapons threatening his life.

But Red Flower Bank didn’t think this way. The convoy that picked Finn up from the airport was entirely top-notch vehicles. One special customized vehicle was identical to the president’s car, albeit with slightly different pricing. Blocking the front and the back were commonly used off-road vehicles, three in the front and three in the back. Every vehicle was escorted by four bodyguards.

In the passenger seat of the Cadillac was a man in his thirties, a Caucasian, who looked quite ordinary. Finn didn’t know his exact identity, but undoubtedly, he was sent by the Red Flower Bank to look after all of Finn’s activities on Riven Island and liaise with Red Flower Bank.

“Your name is Will, right?” Finn looked at the thirty-year-old Caucasian and asked.

“Yes, sir,” he replied.

“Um, first of all, I have no other requirements, but those bodyguard vehicles in front and behind, change them to something more discreet for me. I don’t mind having bodyguards, but don’t dress them uniform, don’t let them interfere with my shopping and conversations with my girlfriend, got it?” Finn reminded. Though Finn often went out with many bodyguards, those were all robots, unlike these humans hired from a security company in the North Federation by Red Flower Bank.

Although these bodyguards were professional, they were still humans after all. Finn didn’t want his secrets to be known to them.

“Yes, Mr. Lewis, I will temporarily assign another pair of individuals to take over.” Will immediately replied.

“Great, you go handle it,” Finn waved his hand and said.

Will went to arrange it immediately, Finn once again watched as the convoy moved forward. Red Flower Bank was indeed attentive. Not only were there bodyguards in the front and back, but there were also two other pairs of people. When they arrived, the vehicles in front of the Cadillac Finn was riding had already been switched out. Although with Finn’s current vision, he could roughly tell which vehicles were there to protect him, they basically looked no different from the other vehicles on the road now.

At the moment, Kay Lee was unaware of Finn’s arrival; instead, she was arguing with the director on the beach. The director shooting the Owen Things Cola Company’s ad was a renowned director from Floral Village. Shooting an advertisement was naturally no big deal for him. Of course, given his experience, the Owen Things Cola Company must have spent quite some time and funds on this advertisement. Such a famous director from Floral Village, even if he was only second-rate, would not have come to shoot an advertisement.

What was currently vexing Kay was the advertisement script, which to her surprise, contained a kissing scene! Despite her years in the industry, she had never had a kissing scene in a movie or TV series, let alone in a mere advertisement. Okay, due to Kay’s persistent objections, the kissing scene was changed to a staggering scene with no physical contact. But this intimate action would be taken with another spokesperson of the ad, a football star. More specifically, he would hug her from behind, with both hands clasped around her abdomen.

