Super Spender - C.290 - 284 Astonishing Effect

Super Spender

C.290 - 284 Astonishing Effect

Chapter 290: Chapter 284 Astonishing Effect

Translator: 549690339

揌aha, don抰 worry, I guarantee that by tomorrow, none of these people will be able to escape. The tea Finn served today was the finest Cloud Mist variety, and even though these people had only drunk it once, according to Olivia抯 estimation, the effect this time would be very pronounced. Especially for those with underlying health conditions, the effects would be even more noticeable.

揙h, one more thing: it抯 probably a good idea for both of you to sleep in the same room tonight. Otherwise, you抣l get quite the shock when you see yourselves tomorrow. Consider this a heads-up, Finn said with a grin.

揌uh? Sarah was momentarily taken aback, unclear as to what Finn meant by his words. Kay was also confused, so Finn clarified with a laugh: 揝urely, you don抰 think the food was what attracted all those people, do you? Granted, none of the dishes can be purchased anywhere else in the world, but they抮e by no means the main attraction. It抯 the tea at the end that抯 the real gem, a rarity in this world.

揌uh? Sarah was still confused.

揘ever mind, you抣l understand by tomorrow morning, Finn said, laughing again.

Finn himself had also drunk the tea, but he wasn抰 too worried. His body had been transformed by an elixir, removing all kinds of impurities and hidden ailments. Even the ones not entirely removed wouldn抰 be affected by the tea.

But for ordinary people, even young women like Kay and Sarah, there were lots of bodily impurities. The initial effects of the Cloud Mist tea were quite pronounced.

After seeing both women home, Finn didn抰 explain what was happening. Even if he had, they probably wouldn抰 have believed him. Moreover, the tea worked best when one rested auietlv and calmlv.

Returning to Kay抯 house, both ladies were a little confused, but they decided to stick together since Finn suggested it. After all, it抯 normal for girls to share a bed. If it were two grown men well, let抯 not go there, Finn thought, flinching at the mental image.

At first, Sarah and Kay discussed the implications of Finn抯 words, but soon they drifted off to other topics. It cannot be overstated how swiftly women can change the subject. They didn抰 stay up late, though, and soon fell asleep.

Many in the city followed suit, staying up much later than usual.

Kay was awoken by her ringing phone. Groggily picking it up, she saw an unfamiliar number calling. Just as Kay was about to answer it, she noticed that a person covered in brown spots was lying next to her.

Kay let out a scream. At her scream, the person covered in brown spots sleepily opened her eyes. It was then that Sarah抯 voice came through: 揔ay, what抯 happening? Just as she finished speaking, Sarah noticed Kay抯 appearance, her body completely covered in brown spots.

揂h厰 Sarah let out a high-pitched shriek. She stammered, pointing at Kay抯 face, 揔a Kay what抯 on your body?

揂h厰 Another scream echoed as Kay also saw her own body, identical to Sarah抯: covered in brown spots. Instinctively, Kay tried to wipe some spots off her arm, and a greasy sensation greeted her fingers. The spots came off quite easily, revealing unblemished skin beneath.

Upon discovering that the spots could be wiped off, they both let out sighs of relief. It was then that Sarah recalled Finn抯 words from the previous night, 揅ould could this be a result of the tea we drank? she stammered.

揑 need to take a shower! What is this smell?! Both Kay and Sarah were now aware of an unpleasant odor. Kay jumped out of bed, disregarding the cause of these strange occurrences.

Not to be outdone, Sarah also followed suit. They didn抰 bother taking turns but went into the bathroom together to scrub vigorously. The brown spots weren抰 easily removed, giving the impression of a year抯 worth of accumulated grime. Of course, that was it.

After they got all the dirt off their skin, both were utterly astonished.

揟his this this is it抯 amazing! stammered Sarah.

Kay抯 bathroom had a large mirror, which revealed the shocking transformation. Even before, neither of them had bad skin, but it wasn抰 exactly great, either. Now, their skin was rosy under the whiteness, incredibly delicate and smooth, almost like a baby抯 skin, even without lotion. It wasn抰 the unnatural paleness often seen on celebrities but a healthy fairness, best described as lustrous.

Moreover, after their baths, Sarah could feel a strange energy coursing through her body. It was the kind of feeling one gets after a good night抯 sleep, rejuvenating and refreshing, as if the very air they were breathing was clearer than before.

揧ou should answer your phone; it抯 been ringing non-stop since we started bathing. I bet it抯 someone who attended last night抯 gathering, said Sarah. While they had been bathing, the persistent ringing of Kay抯 phone hadn抰 gone unnoticed. But naturally, they weren抰 going to answer it immediately, for nothing was more important to them than their skin transformation at that moment.

揂lright, I抣l go answer it, agreed Kay, still somewhat in shock. She swiftly dried herself off with a towel and went out, still draped in it.

Heading towards her bed, she found her phone still ringing persistently. She quickly answered it and found a middle-aged man with an imposing voice on the other end, 揗ay I speak with Ms. Kay Lee?

揧es, this is she. May I ask who抯 calling? Kay replied.

揟his is Autumn Zenith from Fortune Sea Mining, the man responded cheerfully. Kay抯 hand trembled slightly. Who was Autumn Zenith? You could ask ninety-nine percent of celebrities, and they likely wouldn抰 have heard of him, seeing as he hardly mingled in their circle..

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