Super Spender - C.285 - 279: The Show Has Just Begun

Super Spender

C.285 - 279: The Show Has Just Begun

Chapter 285: Chapter 279: The Show Has Just Begun

Translator: 549690339

“Mr. Lewis was spot on. A fortune can’t buy you two-headed abalone, it’s no lie!

I’ve had three-headed and four-headed abalones before, but the flavor can’t compare to what you have here, Mr. Lewis. You seem to only have master chefs in your kitchen! The culinary skill, dazzling! It’s the first time in many years that I’ve had two bowls of rice.” A somewhat chubby middle-aged man named Landry Hamilton chuckled, enchanting the room with his taste for delicacies.

Of course, the chefs here are not ordinary. Finn Lewis utilized ten Tlooos to serve as chefs! Could they be called ordinary? Even though Tlooos are combat robots, the powerful processors allow them to flawlessly download thousands of recipes. Their superior computation skills give them excellent knife work and control over heat, making them top-notch in the cooking industry.

Sure, these robotic chefs might not reach the apex of culinary greatness, but they definitely rank second to none, especially when you factor in their super stability which ensures that everything they make is bursting with flavor and aroma.

What Finn Lewis doesn’t know is that if someone else had prepared the single-headed abalone, it wouldn’t have tasted nearly as good. Lewis senior used a lot of top-grade ingredients during the preparation process.

As everyone neared the end of their meal, Finn signaled the waitstaff to clear the table. He returned to the table where Landry was seated. Handsome Lucas, a young man sitting next to Landry, couldn’t help but lower his head anxiously. If he didn’t know what was happening now, then all his years of experience would be for nothing.

The man who owned this shop was that young man who had damaged the restaurant to the tune of two million yesterday. Thinking of what he did yesterday made Lucas’s face flush with embarrassment. However, embarrassment quickly turned into panic; he knew he could neither afford the place nor the consequences.

Cora Franklin was star-struck and disoriented, deep in thoughts. As for whether she enjoyed her meal, no one knew.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what do you all think? Are the dishes here not too shabby? If not, how about a round of applause?” Finn asked, chuckling.

Applause and laughter filled the room as Finn’s words fell. It was not something to be easily shrugged off, being able to afford such an extravagance. The abalone alone was worth a terrifying amount of money, not to mention other dishes you can’t buy even if you want to. This meal probably cost several hundred million alone, without even considering the drinks.

Perhaps this was the most expensive meal they’ve ever had, and they hadn’t even touched the wines yet.

“Actually, I have invited all of you here today primarily to get to know you, to forge some connections, if you will. Otherwise, if I upset someone in the future, I’d find it hard to get any help without knowing anyone,” Finn said, laughing.

His words made most of the people in the room laugh, “Come on, Mr. Lewis, who would believe you don’t have connections? I guess most people here know that Landry has even ordered a custom car from you. We’re also waiting to order one,” someone from the crowd called out.

This remark stunned many who were unaware of the arrangement, but the friendly laughter in the room indicated that it wasn’t a secret.

“I am not bluffing. Just yesterday something happened. I was in the middle of class when someone threw two million cash right on my face. So, I think I should show a higher profile,” Finn said shrugging nonchalantly.

Finn’s casual remark made the crowd gawk. They weren’t sure if Finn was joking or not. Is two million considered a hefty amount? Well, that depends on who you ask. They had no idea how rich Finn was, but the decadent furnishings in the hall alone could have each fetched two million!

Lucas, sitting under the stage, nearly fainted. Did he have to bring up such a trivial matter at such a fancy gathering? He admitted, he underestimated Finn. But was there a need to rub it in? Lucas was preparing himself for the humiliation coming his way in the near future.

Of course, Finn knew that both Lucas and Cora were in the crowd. That was enough for Lucas to understand the situation. If you don’t find trouble, there won’t be trouble. We could have coexisted without crossing paths. But since Lucas had sought trouble, he should be prepared to face the consequences. “But my friends, a meal ain’t complete without tea. And I can assure you that the tea here is top-notch, an absolute delight. I guarantee you won’t find it anywhere. The pots of tea sold here will go for 100K, 500K, and 1 million. Please hold your judgement on the pricing. After you’ve tasted it, you’ll understand why I say so,” Finn smoothly transitioned the topic, smiling.

Tea for 100K, 500K, a million per pot? Sarah Wood was completely speechless. Just what was Finn thinking? What were his teas made from? Did he use holy water to brew his tea? Even 100k?! But since the crowd wasn’t protesting, Sarah could only sit in silence, waiting.

As Finn finished, the waitstaff quickly brought up pots of tea, brewed in Zisha pots. Although the teapots weren’t big, one was placed in front of each guest. “Please, everyone, have a taste. But before you do, let me tell you, this isn’t just ordinary tea. As for the benefits, you’ll find out by tomorrow. What I can tell you is that this tea can function as a health supplement,” Finn grinned, then left the stage.

The tea certainly was the star attraction for the guests. This was the

Nightingale tea Finn had obtained from Zero, along with the Yunwu tea and

Clear Heart tea. Among these, Yunwu was considered the best, followed by the Nightingale tea and finally the Clear Heart tea. Even though the Clear Heart tea was the least effective, if one were to drink it continuously for 10 years, they could extend their lifespan by about 20 years. Although it couldn’t heal deadly diseases completely.

But for common ailments, particularly functional disorders like hypertension and hyperlipidemia, it could undoubtedly heal them completely. Which businessman in their middle age didn’t have such conditions? Therefore, Finn was confident that once they woke up the next morning, they would know the value of the tea..

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