Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.462 - : What Kind of Beautiful Dream Are You Having?

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.462 - : What Kind of Beautiful Dream Are You Having?

Chapter 462: Chapter 462: What Kind of Beautiful Dream Are You Having?

Therefore, knowing the cuisine of the competitors isnā€™t actually very useful.

So, there have been leaks in the past, but nothing ever really came of it.

Itā€™s not that the organizers havenā€™t thought about the possibility of loopholes being exploited, but itā€™s just unavoidable.

Where there are people, there will always be those looking for ways to exploit loopholes.

There is no such thing as a perfect competition format or set of rules.

They can only be continuously improved based on various situations.

In response to this, the organizersā€™ solution is to constantly change the rules and format of each match.

Players wonā€™t know how the next round will be played.

As a result, not only can the players be caught off guard, creating a sense of drama in the competition, but it can also keep the audience feeling fresh and constantly increase their expectations.

For this reason, even if someone guesses the playerā€™s cuisine, it wonā€™t make much of a difference.

But this year, there is Iris Doone, who only targets Cindy Clarke regardless of any other competitor.

Whether itā€™s about competing or not, she just canā€™t stand seeing Cindy being successful.

No matter how the format changes, Iris just wants to target Cindy.

ā€œIf you donā€™t believe me, forget it, Iā€™ll find other ways,ā€ Eleanor Ward said coldly.

Eleanor was getting frustrated with Irisā€™s continuous suspicions.

ā€œWait,ā€ Iris immediately said, ā€œIā€™ll believe you.ā€

ā€œLeave the rest to me,ā€ Iris said.

Eleanor looked around to make sure no one was there, and then quickly left.

Iris left quickly as well.

Although she wasnā€™t confident about making the Yellow Croaker in soup, she knew the methods and ingredients required.

She went to the food storage room to check, and sure enough, all the ingredients needed to make Yellow Croaker in soup were there.

Seeing that, Iris thought that what Eleanor said might be true.

Iris looked at the ingredients, and ideas started forming in her mind.

Cindy and Morgan Zhekova followed Adrian Zhekova to the family mansion first. freeĻ‰ebnovēl.cą«¦m

Because ever since little Morgan video called the Old Master on Friday, his adorable and clever manner had deeply imprinted in the Old Masterā€™s heart.

Even when he went to sleep at night, he dreamt of the child holding his face asking, ā€œGreat Grandfather, am I cute?ā€

In the dream, the Old Master happily nodded repeatedly, ā€œCute! Cute!ā€

The Old Master was so delighted in his dream that he talked in his sleep.

He chuckled ā€œHehehe,ā€ waking up the Old Madam.

The Old Madam was very curious what kind of indecent dream the Old Master was having, causing him to laugh like that.

However, the Old Madam didnā€™t wake up the Old Master, but endured her sleepiness, groped for her mobile phone by the pillow, and recorded his laughter.

The next morning, as soon as the Old Master opened his eyes, he heard the Old Madam ask, ā€œWhat kind of dream did you have last night that made you laugh out loud?ā€

The sourcš—² of this content is freēwēbĪ·ovel.cą«¦m.

ā€œHow could that be!ā€ The Old Master denied, ā€œI sleep very soundly, and I donā€™t talk in my sleep. How could I possibly laugh out loud?ā€

ā€œTsk!ā€ The Old Madam sneered, ā€œI knew you wouldnā€™t admit it. Luckily, I had the foresight to record it. Here, listen to how lewd your laugh was. What kind of sweet dream did you have?ā€

Who would have thought that the old man, at this age, still had such fanciful thoughts?

ā€œIt really was a sweet dream.ā€ Seeing that the Old Madam shamelessly recorded him, the Old Master simply admitted, ā€œI dreamt that little Morgan held his face and asked me if he was cute.ā€

