Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.453 - : Off Course

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.453 - : Off Course

Chapter 453: Chapter 453: Off Course

Translator: 549690339

ā€œThe dish Cindy Clarke chose isnā€™t exclusive to Quire; several high-end restaurants offer it too. But this dish has only ever become a signboard dish for Quire. Hearing of the dish, people immediately think of Quire ā€” this fact speaks volumes.ā€

ā€œTo be honest, it was unwise of Cindy Clarke to choose this dish.ā€ Hunter Clarke sighed, expressing his admiration for Cindy.

However, with her choice this time, sheā€™s only creating trouble for herself.

Unexpectedly, Charles Dean held a different view: ā€œI am looking forward to it. I am certain that Cindy will introduce a creative spin to the dish.ā€

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ā€œThe list comprises only some of the recipeā€™s ingredients, not all.ā€ Charles mentioned, ā€œI am eager to see the surprises that Cindy will bring from the undeclared list.ā€

The list that the competition authorities require the contestants to submit only includes the main ingredients and some unusual ingredients.

This is to prevent situations where there is inadequate supply of ingredients on the Racecourse.

Regular ingredients and seasonings are all provided by the competition authorities.

So Cindy didnā€™t list some of the ingredients.

And additionally, there was another consideration.

As the list would definitely be passed by peopleā€¦

They had to consider the risk of the ingredients from the list getting leaked.

During such an intense competition, one cannot overestimate his rivalsā€™ integrity.

Therefore, to prevent all the recipes from being sneakily obtained by the opponents through unfair means, freē

The competitors usually donā€™t list ingredients which the organizers are likely to provide anyhow.

ā€œCharles, I didnā€™t expect you to think so highly of Cindy.ā€ Wesley Gordon laughed, ā€œTo tell you the truth, ingredients not on the list are all standard provided by the competition. I really donā€™t think Cindy can bring something extraordinary out of these mundane ingredients.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s not necessarily true.ā€ Charles Dean had great confidence in Cindy, ā€œCindy has surprised me twice, and I am looking forward to the third time.ā€

ā€œHahaha, in fact, Iā€™m quite eager to see it as well,ā€ Wesley Gordon laughed.

The five judges then looked at the other contestants.

ā€œWeā€™re down to the national top 40, and there are still competitors who believe that by using expensive ingredients to pile up a dish, victory is certain.ā€ Hunter Clarke expressed his dissatisfaction upon seeing a contestantā€™s list.

ā€œWho is it?ā€ Rosaline Parker asked promptly.

ā€œIris Doone.ā€ Hunter Clarke shook his head in disappointment, ā€œDishes featuring all these expensive ingredients wonā€™t taste bad, naturally. But whatā€™s the point of this? Such meals, as long as someone is wealthy enough to afford it, they can cook it at home and it will taste good. Why is there a need for her to cook it?ā€

ā€œIris Doone has lost her way.ā€ Wesley Gordon sighed, ā€œI remember during the auditions, I was quite optimistic about her and expecting more from her subsequent performance.ā€

Several judges shared their preliminary comments.

The competitors werenā€™t aware that the second round of the competition had in fact begun the moment they handed in their lists to the judges.

The judges already had an initial assessment of them.

Billy Houston didnā€™t hear the comments from the five judges.

Looking at the list, heā€™s wondering did Cindy forget to list Shark Fin?

If she needs it during the competition, this type of ingredient is prepared on a fixed amount by the competition authority, they wonā€™t provide extras for her.

Should he go ask Cindy about it?

Doing so, however, would clearly be bending the rules for Cindy.

Such an action blatantly contradicts the competitionā€™s rules.

