Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.440 - : Great-grandson turns into a scumbag man

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.440 - : Great-grandson turns into a scumbag man

Chapter 440: Chapter 440: Great-grandson turns into a scumbag man

Translator: 549690339

With a competitor now present, the crisis awareness of the Old Master was roused all the more.

He couldnā€™t delay any longer, so he stated directly to Morgan, ā€œMorgan, my dear, youā€™re my little cuttie. Great Grandfather likes you the most! Absolutely no one else!ā€

Having said that, he proudly provoked the Old Madam.

He simply didnā€™t have any of the Old Madamā€™s problems.

Victoria Wheeler couldnā€™t come asking who he liked most.

Old Madam:

Morgan, thrilled and covering his face, wriggled around in the Old Masterā€™s arms: ā€œThen, Great Grandfather, you should be worldā€™s best to me.ā€

The Old Master laughed heartily and seemed extraordinarily satisfied.

Once he had put it in words, what was there to be shy about?

His face was shaking with laughter.

He would be the best in the world for Morgan, let the Old Madam go play with Victoria Wheeler!

The Old Madam grieved in her heart. Feeling frustrated, she told Victoria Wheeler: ā€œThis is all because of you!ā€

She had completely lost to Morgan!

ā€œMum, donā€™t be upset. Look at me.ā€ Victoria Wheeler said softly to the Old Madam. freē

Then she asked Morgan, ā€œMorgan, do you love Great Grandfather the most then?ā€

The Old Madamā€™s heart clenched, thinking her daughter-in-law was being extremely wicked!

What was Morgan supposed to answer?

Morgan must have loved Cindy Clarke the most!

Cindy Clarke was his mum. She had painstakingly raised him since he was a child, both were heavily reliant on each other.

Such feelings, they were irreplaceable.

However, without even a second of hesitation Morgan replied, ā€œOf course itā€™s Great Grandfather! Iā€™ve said that Iā€™m the best in the world with Great Grandfather.ā€

After uttering those words, he stealthily winked twice at Cindy Clarke.

This signified all this was just an act for effect, it should not be taken seriously.

His favorite was still Cindy!

Cindy Clarke:

Where did this young one learn this tactic from?

Victoria Wheeler:

Helplessly, Victoria Wheeler looked towards the Old Madam.

This seemed like the plot from the day of the competition when she was in the audience; it was the Old Madamā€™s tactic.

She hadnā€™t expected Morgan to learn it.

Old Madam:

She couldnā€™t help but facepalm.

She was really scared that her great-grandson was turning into one of those scumbag men.

Their Zhekova Family couldnā€™t produce any scumbags.

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Of course, the Old Master saw Morganā€™s mischievous glance at Cindy Clarke.

Very cunning.

Who was the Old Master? His old, wise mind possessed an amount of knowledge that Morgan couldnā€™t possibly hide from him.

But the Old Master was overjoyed, thinking that Morgan was clever!

Being a little cunning was good, then he wouldnā€™t be taken advantage of.

Indeed, their Zhekova Family had a promising generation coming up!

The Old Master chuckled to himself, thinking that there was no fault to be found with his great-grandson.

ā€œCindy Clarke,ā€ the Old Master called.

ā€œGrandfather,ā€ Cindy Clarke responded immediately.

With the brilliant assistance of the young one, the Old Master was won over in just a little while.

ā€œYouā€™ve done a great job raising Morgan,ā€ the Old Master said warmly. ā€œHeā€™s clever, lively and adorable. He has such a sunny personality. One look and you can tell heā€™s a child who hasnā€™t suffered hardship before.ā€

If heā€™d tasted hardship, how could a child laugh so freely?

Morganā€™s eyes seemed filled with freedom from worries.

There wasnā€™t a bit of gloom, no worries about life or about Cindy Clarke.

All because their life was simply so good.

Morgan bloomed like a jade carving. Looking at him you could tell he wasnā€™t malnourished.

ā€œThank you, Cindy Clarke, for giving birth to Morgan and raising him so well.ā€ Smiling, the Old Master said.

Looking down, his eyes filled with kindness as he looked at Morgan.

ā€œOtherwise, where could we find such an adorable child,ā€ the Old Master sighed.

