Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.433 - : Who Said I Donā€™t Like

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.433 - : Who Said I Donā€™t Like

Chapter 433: Chapter 433: Who Said I Donā€™t Like

Translator: 549690339

When she looked at Maverick Zhekova and Victoria Wheeler, it was their first meeting, but Maverick was smiling warmly and nodded encouragingly at Cindy Clarke.

Cindy knew how to address them now.

ā€œUncle, Aunt,ā€ Cindy called out.

ā€œGood, good, good,ā€ Maverick hurriedly said, directly giving Cindy some reassurance.

Afterward, the Old Madam, Old Master, Maverick, and Victoria were all looking at Morgan Zhekova expectantly.

Morgan looked up at Cindy and Adrian Zhekova.

Adrian asked Morgan, ā€œDo you know what to call them?ā€ ʒreeš‘¤ebnĻƒ

Morgan nodded and crisply said, ā€œGreat Grandfather, Great Grandmother, Grandfather, Grandmother.ā€

Old Madamā€™s heart melted like a simmering puddle upon hearing Morganā€™s address.

She felt so warm that she even wanted to cry a little.

ā€œAh!ā€ Old Madam quickly responded.

ā€œMorgan, come to Great Grandmotherā€™s side,ā€ Old Madam waved Morgan over, ā€œI didnā€™t get a chance to properly look at you and talk to you last time.ā€

It was during the Competition when she last saw Morgan.

Old Madam had her suspicions but ultimately didnā€™t get any confirmation.

She didnā€™t dare to get close to Morgan rashly then.

Today, she could finally openly get close to Morgan.

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Morgan obediently walked over and smiled sweetly at Old Madam.

Old Madam felt extremely satisfied just looking at Morgan.

ā€œOh right, this is a meeting gift from Great Grandmother,ā€ Old Madam said and took a jade pendant out, ā€œJade nourishes a person, and it has a good meaning too. Wear it all the time, and it will become better.ā€

Even if Cindy didnā€™t know about jade, she could tell that it was valuable.

Just the emerald color alone was very rare and hard to obtain even if one had money and no connections to find such a high-quality color.

Old Madam personally put the jade pendant around Morganā€™s neck, tucked it into his clothes, and had him wear it close to his body.

Old Madam glanced at Old Master, who was instructed to prepare a gift for Morgan as well.

Unexpectedly, Morgan asked, ā€œGreat Grandfather, donā€™t you like Cindy?ā€

ā€œMorgan,ā€ Cindy hurriedly called him out.

However, to their surprise, Morgan didnā€™t respond to Cindy.

Instead, his eyes were fixed on the Old Master, waiting for an answer.

Old Master found it difficult to avoid Morganā€™s clear and persistent gaze and coughed awkwardly, ā€œOf course I like her, who said I donā€™t like her!ā€

Upon hearing this, Morgan showed Old Master a big, bright smile, ā€œGreat Grandfather, Cindy is so good! If you like her, then I like you too.ā€

Old Master was amused.

From the boyā€™s words, it seemed that if he didnā€™t like Cindy, then this little guy wouldnā€™t like him as a great grandfather either?

Old Master suddenly felt that in the current family hierarchy, Cindy had the highest rank.

Adrianā€™s lack of achievement wasnā€™t worth mentioning. Morgan was now the center of the family.

As the center, Morgan cared most about Cindy, and whoever didnā€™t like Cindy, would not be liked by him.

So according to that logic, wasnā€™t Cindy the highest-ranking person in the family?

ā€œCome, this is my meeting gift for you,ā€ the Old Master signaled to Butler Howard.

They saw Butler Howard actually wheeling a cart out.

Highly stacked on the cart were many boxes.

Unlike the jade from the Old Madam, Old Master had specifically asked some old friends what toys their great-grandsons enjoyed playing with.

Then, regardless of whether Morgan already had them or not, Old Master prepared a set according to the list provided by his friends.

