Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.426 - : Low-key


Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Low-key

Translator: 549690339

Although Cindy Clarke had already met the Old Madam and Victoria Wheeler.

She hadnā€™t met the other elders yet.

Especially the Old Master, from what Adrian Zhekova said, the Old Master still had a reserved attitude towards her.

So, Cindy really wanted to give the elders a good impression.

Moreover, when she met the Old Madam and Victoria Wheeler before, it was not as Adrian Zhekovaā€™s girlfriend.

Now thinking about it, Cindy was still unsure.

She didnā€™t know how the Old Madam and Victoria Wheeler felt about her.

Previously, when they met, Cindy didnā€™t even know that she would become Adrian Zhekovaā€™s girlfriend.

Thus, she didnā€™t make an effort to leave a good impression on the Old Madam and Victoria Wheeler.

At this moment, Cindy was feeling regretful.

She opened her wardrobe looking back and forth, unsure of what to wear.

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Similarly, Morgan Zhekova was also troubled.

The little one knew that he would be meeting his Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother, and his Grandfather and Grandmother.

He didnā€™t know if they would like him.

He wasnā€™t sure what to wear to show his best side.

So, Adrian Zhekova waited and waited, but still didnā€™t see the mother and son come out of their respective rooms.

ā€œCindy,ā€ Adrian Zhekova knocked on Cindyā€™s door, ā€œAre you ready yet?ā€

He had heard that women took a while to get ready.

Especially with makeup, it took a long time.

But since they were living together, Cindy had always been quick to get ready. She didnā€™t need him to wait for long.

ā€œNot yetā€¦ā€ Cindyā€™s voice sounded quite disheartened.

ā€œAre you changing now? Can I come in?ā€ Adrian Zhekova politely asked from outside the door.

Though, he really wanted to just go in directly.

ā€œCome in,ā€ Cindy said, and Adrian Zhekova immediately pushed open the door. freewёbną«¦Ī½eÉ­.com

Seeing that Cindy was still in her casual clothes and hadnā€™t put on makeup.

It was just like how she was an hour ago.

ā€œHow comeā€¦ā€ Adrian Zhekova was at a loss for words.

Cindy said embarrassedly, ā€œI donā€™t know which one is suitable.ā€

She wasnā€™t afraid that Adrian Zhekova would make fun of her.

Anyway, if he wanted to tease her, then let him.

Cindy honestly said: ā€œAlthough I have been to the family mansion before, it was for work. And at that time, I wasnā€™t with you. I didnā€™t think much about it then and only regarded the Old Madam as a client.ā€

ā€œItā€™s different now. This time, itā€™s my first official visit. Plus, last time I only met the Old Madam. I met my Aunt during the competition.ā€ Cindy said, ā€œI havenā€™t met the other elders.ā€

ā€œIā€™m just wondering what to wear to leave a good impression on the elders.ā€ Cindy said.

Cindy was too nervous, as the person involved, she couldnā€™t properly assess the situation.

ā€œMay I have a look?ā€ Adrian Zhekova asked for her opinion.

Since the wardrobe was open and there were no intimate clothes inside, she let Adrian Zhekova look freely.

ā€œI think any of your clothes are suitable.ā€ Adrian Zhekova said.

ā€œDonā€™t comfort me at this time.ā€ Cindy said.

ā€œIā€™m not comforting you. Didnā€™t I tell you before that I would never lie to you?ā€ Adrian Zhekova said, ā€œIn this matter, I definitely canā€™t lie to you. This is about your impression in the elderā€™s hearts. Itā€™s a serious matter, and I canā€™t use it to comfort you.ā€

ā€œYour clothes are all low-key, without any flashy styles.ā€ Adrian Zhekova said.

