Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.424 - : The New Name

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.424 - : The New Name

Chapter 424: Chapter 424: The New Name frёewebĪ·ovel.cŃ³m

Translator: 549690339

It was difficult to expect her at the time to have any expectations or feelings for this child who was forced to come into existence.

The name Morgan was chosen for the child, derived from the meaning of being a stranger.

However, after giving birth to Morgan, her feelings grew deeper due to instinctual maternal love, their blood connection, and the increasingly strong bond as they spent time together.

This was a completely different sentiment from the initial casual choice of a name without much thought.

ā€œWe have to consult the family genealogy for that. In Morganā€™s generation, the name should contain ā€˜Yu.ā€™ If we were to change it, it would be Morgan Zhekova,ā€ Cindy explained.

ā€œBy the way, weā€™re going to the family mansion tomorrow, so we can consult the elders. Nowadays, the names in our family are decided by the Old Master,ā€ said Adrian Zhekova.

ā€œIn my opinion, we shouldnā€™t change the ā€˜Moā€™ character,ā€ Adrian Zhekova continued, ā€œFor one thing, weā€™ve been calling him Morgan for so many years. Morgan himself is used to it, and so are we. Suddenly changing it would feel strange.ā€

ā€œMoreover, I think that the name Morgan somehow fits perfectly with the little guy. If we change it to something else, it wouldnā€™t feel like him anymore.ā€ The name seemed inexplicably appropriate for the child.

ā€œAlso, I think the name Morgan actually holds a significant meaning.ā€ Adrian Zhekova chuckled softly, ā€œIn the beginning, you encountered a stranger, me, and then gave birth to a child with that stranger.ā€

Adrian Zhekova smiled at Cindy Clarke: ā€œThis name is also a memento of our first encounter.ā€

Cindy nodded, also feeling that keeping the ā€˜Moā€™ character in the name was better.

The next day arrived.

They decided to have dinner at night, so Adrian Zhekova planned to go to the family mansion in the afternoon.

That way, there was no need to rush for time.

In the morning, Cindy had nothing to do, so she made mooncakes at home, intending to bring them to the family mansion.

Every year during Valentineā€™s Day, Cindy made mooncakes for Morgan by hand, and they had never bought any from the store.

This year was no exception.

Cindy had prepared the ingredients well in advance.

She planned to make custard-filled mooncakes and snow skin coconut matcha mooncakes.

Considering that lotus seed paste and egg yolk mooncakes were often included in every mooncake gift box, and the family mansion would undoubtedly receive some of these as gifts, she thought they wouldnā€™t be exciting.

So, Cindy decided to make something a little special.

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Because the custard-filled mooncakes were the most complicated, she got up early to start making them.

Since she hadnā€™t uploaded a video in a while, she set up her filming equipment.

When Adrian Zhekova saw that sheā€™d brought out the camera, his interest was piqued: ā€œAre you going to shoot a video?ā€

ā€œYes, weā€™re going to the family mansion today, right? Besides other gifts, I want to bring something I made myself,ā€ said Cindy, ā€œSince today is Valentineā€™s Day, I decided to make some mooncakes to bring over. Homemade, with customized ingredients, taste, and sugar levels, the low sugar content is also more suitable for the elderly.ā€

ā€œWhile making it, why not shoot a video? Iā€™ll edit and upload it later,ā€ Cindy added.

ā€œLet me shoot the video for you,ā€ Adrian Zhekova offered.

Cindy couldnā€™t help but laugh. Why did these father and son both love helping her shoot videos?

Luckily, Morgan hadnā€™t woken up yet since he had exhausted himself yesterday.

And it was pretty early at the moment.

Otherwise, Morgan would have fought with Adrian Zhekova to help her film.

So, Cindy agreed, ā€œAlright, but this time, you must not suddenly laugh or make any noise.ā€

Adrian Zhekova nodded: ā€œOkay.ā€

Having already won her heart, he no longer needed to employ such small tactics.

Besides, this new video would show a significant change in the background; even if he made no sound, the audience would still be caught by surprise!

