Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.411 - : Great Minds Think Alike

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.411 - : Great Minds Think Alike

Chapter 411: Chapter 411: Great Minds Think Alike

Translator: 549690339

Opportunities for such a grand gathering with everyone present were indeed rare.

Therefore, it was extraordinary that they managed to adjust their schedules. And indeed, as Zane Hamilton suggested.

One day before Valentineā€™s Day, to celebrate as a small reunion, the symbolism was truly wonderful. freeweɓnovel.cŃ³m

Adrian Zhekova naturally agreed readily.

However, he didnā€™t forget the promise he made to Cindy Clarke.

So he said, ā€œIā€™ll be the host tomorrow at Quire.ā€

Itā€™s perfect, Cindy could get to taste Michael Greeneā€™s Yellow Croaker in soup.

Gathering and tasting, none was delayed.

ā€œQuire doesnā€™t have private rooms.ā€ Zane Hamilton said.

Quire doesnā€™t have private rooms; everyone dines in the main hall.

The environment is elegant and reservations are notoriously difficult to secure.

ā€œNo need for a private room, Iā€™ll have the restaurant temporarily close tomorrow for us,ā€ said Adrian Zhekova.

There were so many of them, and as his friends started forming their own families.

Their small family group was growing larger and the group was ever-increasing.

A regular private room would no longer accommodate them.

ā€œAlright.ā€ Zane Hamilton readily agreed, ā€œFor the rest, letā€™s discuss directly in the group chat. I tried contacting you there earlier but you didnā€™t respond, thatā€™s why I called.ā€

It wasnā€™t an emergency.

But he was worried that Adrian Zhekova might have missed their group chat and made his own arrangements.

Thus, after hanging up, Adrian Zhekova told Cindy Clarke about it.

ā€œOkay!ā€ Cindy Clarke nodded, immediately turned to Morgan Zhekova, ā€œRemember I told you before, dad has a few really good friends?ā€

Morgan Zhekova nodded.

He remembered.

It was that morning when he just found out that Adrian Zhekova was his dad.

Cindy mentioned it then.

He also remembered Cindy saying that dadā€™s friends were very remarkable and had an exceptionally good relationship with the dad.

In the future, not only would he have his dad backing him up, he would also have many Uncles providing support.

Looking at his obedient demeanor, Cindy Clarkeā€™s heart melted, ā€œSome of the uncles are married and even have kids. Their children, some are older than you, some are younger. They all will be there tomorrow, and Iā€™ll introduce you to them.ā€

ā€œIn this way, youā€™ll have many playmates,ā€ said Cindy Clarke.

Hearing this, Morgan Zhekova felt a bit nervous. He was very worried if those children would like him.

ā€œAbout Morgan attending the Nursery at Jetaime Academy, Iā€™ve thought about it,ā€ Adrian Zhekova said, ā€œJetaime Academy doesnā€™t only cater to our children but many others as well. Not all families are friendly, having money doesnā€™t necessarily equate to high morality.ā€

From Arthur Woods, Cindy Clarke had already experienced this once.

ā€œWe havenā€™t married yet and Morgan entering like this, even with the help of Dylan and othersā€™ children, Morgan will inevitably hear some idle comments,ā€ Adrian Zhekova said.

Hearing this, Cindy Clarke felt like she was being pressured to marry.

Adrian Zhekova seemed to be pressuring her into marriage.

ā€œYou mentioned before that Morgan is very used to his current Nursery. His friends are also there, so I was thinking, thereā€™s no rush for Morgan to go to Jetaime Academy. After we get married, Morgan can join in openly with no room for gossip.ā€

Adrian Zhekova asked Cindy Clarke, ā€œWhat do you think?ā€

Cindy Clarke nodded, ā€œThis is in line with my plans. Thatā€™s what I had in mind too. Though we have to join Jetaime Academy sooner or later, thereā€™s no rush.ā€

