Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.404 - : Collapse


Chapter 404: Chapter 404: Collapse

Translator: 549690339

Desire_to_be_a_foodie: ā€œZoe Silverstone must have secretly created a new account. I have to go find it.ā€

Adrian Zhekova was pissed off by these comments from Zoe Silverstoneā€™s fans.

Cindy Clarke was already his girlfriend, whatā€™s the need for her to seek attention in such a way?

Cindyā€™s fans were right- just as there are masters, there are fans.

Zoe Silverstone is annoying, even her fans are annoying.

Theyā€™re annoying and have double standards!

Adrian Zhekova dialed an internal line, which connected directly to Sheldon Rowland.

ā€œCEO.ā€ Sheldon Rowland answered immediately.

ā€œCheck if Zoe Silverstone has created a new account. I see her fans are acting up again!ā€ said Adrian Zhekova angrily, ā€œFrom now on, keep an eye on Zoe Silverstoneā€™s accounts. Donā€™t give her any more opportunities to gain fans!ā€

Those fans of hers wouldnā€™t be able to create chaos without their leader in the future!

And furthermore, other popular people would take away Zoe Silverstoneā€™s fans.

With this happening a few times, letā€™s see how many fans Zoe Silverstone would have left! novelbuddy.cĻƒą¹“

ā€œYes.ā€ Sheldon Rowland quickly agreed.

Poor Zoe Silverstone, originally planning to be more cautious, suddenly had to face a setback brought on by her fans.

Her account with hundreds of thousands of followers was lost again.

When Zoe Silverstone went on Facebook to post her daily thoughts, she found her account was lost again, and no one could understand her frustration.

ā€œIs this ever going to end?!ā€ Zoe Silverstone cried out in despair.

Dealing with Zoe Silverstone was as simple as lifting a finger for both Adrian Zhekova and Sheldon Rowland, who didnā€™t take her seriously.

However, another matter demanded Adrian Zhekovaā€™s attention.

He hadnā€™t forgotten what Eleanor Ward had been so arrogantly relying on when confronting Cindy Clarke.

Therefore, Adrian Zhekova thought it was time for a change in leadership at Eleanor Wardā€™s fatherā€™s hospital.

Her father could continue being a doctor. freёweɓ

After all, he was still a famous doctor with good skills, who should be kept around to benefit patients.

As for the position of dean, he could forget about it.

Having failed to teach his own daughter right from wrong, how could he manage such a large hospital?

Adrian Zhekova was very suspicious of Dean Wardā€™s management abilities.

Adrian Zhekova asked Sheldon Rowland, ā€œDo our company have a partnership with Caring Hospital?ā€

ā€œYes, and we also hold shares in Caring Hospital.ā€ Sheldon Rowland reminded him.

Pingla Groupā€™s main business was in the catering industry.

However, they couldnā€™t help it; they had so much money!

Therefore, they invested in many industries.

It was quite a coincidence that Pingla invested in Caring Hospital.

Moreover, they held a significant share.

Adrian Zhekova held considerable influence there.

Adrian Zhekova nodded, asked Sheldon Rowland to find the contact information of the Chairman of Caring Hospital, and personally contacted the Chairman.

Eleanor Wardā€™s time as the spoiled daughter of the hospital dean was up.


Time flew, and soon it was Friday.

Morgan Zhekovaā€™s nursery finished early, and she was already at home.

When she heard the door open, she waited at the entrance.

ā€œDad!ā€ As soon as Adrian Zhekova entered, he heard the young childā€™s crispy voice calling him.

Adrian Zhekova felt a sense of fulfilment he had never experienced before.

He lifted Morgan Zhekova high up, which had become a daily routine for him.

Adrian Zhekova even suspected that the little one was so enthusiastic about greeting him every day at the door just for this moment.

As he lifted Morgan Zhekova up high, he heard her burst into joyous laughter.

With short arms and legs, she resembled a little turtle swinging her short limbs in mid-air.

