Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.399 - : Hit the Dogā€™s Leg

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.399 - : Hit the Dogā€™s Leg

Chapter 399: Chapter 399: Hit the Dogā€™s Leg

Translator: 549690339

Manager Liam suspected that Manager Hertz knew, so every sentence he said included ā€œyour fiancĆ©eā€.

Look how happy those four characters make the scumbag CEO, his mouth wonā€™t close.

ā€œI must be there in person to watch Miss Clarkeā€™s cuisine with my own eyes. Itā€™ll be much more exciting than watching it online!ā€ Manager Hertz finished, nervously looking at Adrian Zhekova.

Please donā€™t let the scumbag CEO make him say any more.

Heā€™s run out of things to say, too.

Fortunately, Adrian Zhekova didnā€™t make him continue this time.

He looked at the others instead.

ā€œManager Hertz is right, my fiancĆ©e Cindy Clarkeā€™s performance on site is much more exciting than watching it online,ā€ Adrian Zhekova said.

Upon hearing this, Manager Liam immediately understood what Adrian Zhekova meant, and quickly said, ā€œIā€™ll buy tickets today, not just for myself, but Iā€™ll also bring my wife to show our support!ā€

ā€œMy son is in high school now, and Iā€™ll have him spread the word among his classmates.ā€ Manager Liam added promptly.

Everyone was puzzled.

They couldnā€™t outdo Manager Hertz, and now they were even slower than Manager Liam.

The others naturally couldnā€™t be slower anymore.

If theyā€™re any slower, they wonā€™t even leave their names in front of the scumbag CEO.

The CEOā€™s unpredictable temper made it impossible to figure out his pattern.

Who knows if pleasing him would lead to brown-nosing, and then getting cursed out by the scumbag CEO.

Thatā€™s why they dare not flatter him easily.

Now that they finally have a clear focus, praising Cindy Clarke canā€™t go wrong.

So what are they waiting for?

Charge, everyone! freewebnĆøvel.coɱ

General Manager Wilkinson felt that as a general manager, he should not be slower than Managers Hertz and Liam.

Fearing that Adrian Zhekova would hold a grudge, he hurriedly spoke up as the third person, ā€œI will book tickets right after the meeting today, not just for my wife, but also for my parents, my father-in-law and mother-in-law. My son is studying abroad and canā€™t come back. But I will have him promote our event abroad and make sure his classmates, international students, and local students all know about our excellent Chinese cuisine and your outstanding fiancĆ©e, Cindy Clarke!ā€

Alright, after a long string of titles, General Manager Wilkinson was exhausted.

Vice President Zeigler followed, saying, ā€œNot only will I have my daughter promote it in her school, and bring my wife, parents, and in-laws, but I will also bring other relatives from my family.ā€

ā€œAdditionally, Iā€™ll buy more tickets for my daughter to give to her classmates. The next Competition is on Saturday, so everyone can come and watch! Let them all witness your fiancĆ©e Cindy Clarkeā€™s impressive performance during the competition!ā€

After speaking, Vice President Zeiglerā€™s face turned red.

Thereā€™s no limit to flattery.

The others thought this was too much.

You guys have the money to be willful, weā€™re almost at the point of booking the entire venue. What should they do?

Manager Jenkins from the Finance Department gritted his teeth and said, ā€œIā€™ll give tickets to all my relatives.ā€

Upon hearing this, everyone didnā€™t want to be left behind, and they all expressed their desire to buy and give away tickets.

ā€œStop!ā€ Adrian Zhekova shouted.

He looked at them with displeasure, ā€œWhat are you all doing? Are the tickets to our Pingla Cooking Competition not selling? Do you really need to buy tickets for your relatives and childrenā€™s classmates? Itā€™ll make people think our live audience ratings are fake!ā€


Itā€™s over, they accidentally got on the wrong side again!

