Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.396 - : Letting You Take a Glance

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.396 - : Letting You Take a Glance

Chapter 396: Chapter 396: Letting You Take a Glance

Translator: 549690339

ā€œBut can he really recognize all of us?ā€ After all, there are so many employees. How can the scumbag CEO recognize everyone?

ā€œWho cares if he can recognize us or not? Just ask him when you see him, even if the question is repetitive, it doesnā€™t matter.ā€ Employee A said.

ā€œTsk, tsk, itā€™s amazing how powerful a single dog becomes once it finds a partner.ā€

ā€œWe thought once the scumbag CEO got a partner, things would be better for us, but who knew it could get worse.ā€

Employee Bā€™s department was also discussing a similar topic.

ā€œWe still have it good. Poor Assistant Sheldon, he is around the CEO all day.ā€ Employee B said.

Reminded by Employee Bā€™s prediction, his colleagues immediately sighed with relief: ā€œI want to light a candle for Assistant Sheldon.ā€


Sheldon Rowland was completely unaware of this.

Because Adrian Zhekova took the staff elevator.

A good number of people were constantly moving between the floors.

So, it stopped several times midway.

Employees unfortunate enough to encounter Adrian Zhekova were subjected to his probing questions.

ā€œDid you watch the Pingla Culinary Competition?ā€

Adrian Zhekova didnā€™t even ask them if they watched the live broadcast.

Because the competition was on a Friday.

Everyone was working, so naturally, they couldnā€™t watch it live.

But, they could always watch the recorded version!

But many people had various plans for the weekend, so the number of people who hadnā€™t watched the competition was substantial.

However, some really stayed at home and watched it.

Among Pinglaā€™s employees, some were even fans of Cindy Clarke.

Initially, when Cindy Clarke came to Pingla, they didnā€™t realize that Cindy Clarke was Cain Velman.

Now, her identity had been exposed through the competition.

One of Cindyā€™s fans, who was also an employee, was excited. ā€œCEO, I canā€™t believe Miss Clarke is Cain Velman,ā€ a young employee said, ā€œI really love her. When will she come to the company again? Can I take a selfie with her? CEO, is she really your fiance? Thatā€™s just fantastic, our Cindy deserves the best!ā€

It remains unknown whether the scumbag CEO behaves the same way toward Cindy Clarke.

So heartbreaking!

The young employee was never-ending in her praises, forgetting that the person in front of her was the moody Adrian Zhekova.

However, when it came to praises for Cindy, Adrian Zhekova was easy to get along with.

So, it took Adrian Zhekova a little longer to get to his office.

Sheldon Rowland hurriedly greeted him.

Adrian Zhekova walked to Sheldon Rowlandā€™s desk and stopped.

Sheldon Rowland: ā€œā€¦.ā€

What the hell does the scumbag CEO want?

This morning, Sheldon sensed something unusual.

ā€œCindy and I are living together now,ā€ said Adrian Zhekova. ā€œCindy is my girlfriend now, fiance if you want to call her that. We are going to get married. Morgan knows Iā€™m his dad.ā€

Sheldon Rowland: ā€œā€¦.ā€ š“Æš™§š’†š’†š’˜š’†š™—š’š™¤š“暝’†š™”.š’„š™¤š’Ž

The scumbag CEO is here to report his love life?

ā€œCongratulations, CEO!ā€ As a competent assistant, Sheldon Rowland immediately showed an enthusiastic and extremely festive look, congratulating Adrian Zhekova with great excitement.

ā€œCindy and Morgan moved in with me on Saturday. We ate the food she cooked all weekend. It was delicious.ā€ Adrian Zhekova continued.

Sheldon Rowland: ā€œā€¦.ā€

Scumbag CEO, what the hell are you trying to do? Just tell me!

ā€œThis morning, she woke up early and prepared breakfast for me, and even baked freshly made pastries.ā€ Adrian Zhekova opened his food container once more, ā€œTake a look.ā€

Sheldon Rowland: ā€œā€¦.ā€

ā€œThey look amazing and smell heavenly. Thatā€™s Cindy for you.ā€ Sheldon Rowland was like a praise machine without human emotions.

