Daddy! Come Home for Dinner! - C.393 - : Donā€™t be so nervous

Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

C.393 - : Donā€™t be so nervous

Chapter 393: Chapter 393: Donā€™t be so nervous

Translator: 549690339

ā€œGood morning.ā€ Adrian Zhekova nodded slightly.

Manager Liam stood slightly behind and to the side of Adrian Zhekova, not daring to stand in line with him.

At this moment, three more employees approached.

They had been chatting happily.

Seeing that Adrian Zhekova and Manager Liam were both present, they all simultaneously fell silent.

ā€œCEO, Manager Liam.ā€ The three of them greeted as they walked over, ā€œGood morning.ā€

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

None of the three spoke.

Being the highest ranking person present aside from Adrian Zhekova, Manager Liam had no choice but to speak up: ā€œCEO, weā€™ll go up first.ā€

Adrian Zhekova has his own private elevator, so naturally, he didnā€™t need to ride with them.

The three employees secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, they didnā€™t have to ride with Adrian Zhekova!

Who would have guessed, but Adrian Zhekova said: ā€œIā€™ll go with you.ā€


ā€œMy elevator hasnā€™t arrived.ā€ Adrian Zhekova explained.


Is the CEO in such a hurry to get to the office?

As soon as Adrian Zhekova finished speaking, his private elevator arrived and the doors slowly opened.

Manager Liam immediately said, ā€œCEO, your elevator is here.ā€

Adrian Zhekova coldly glanced at the open elevator door and stepped into the staff elevator.


What is wrong with the scumbag CEO today!

ā€œArenā€™t you coming in?ā€ Adrian Zhekova swept his sharp eyes over the four.

He then lifted his wrist to check the time and sneered, ā€œTrying to be late in front of me?ā€

How could the four dare to wait for the next elevator?

With the scumbag CEOā€™s attitude, even if they waited for the next elevator and werenā€™t late, he would still bear a grudge against them!

Once the four got in, one of the employees closed the elevator door and pressed the button for their floor.

Adrian Zhekova said, ā€œI occasionally like to get closer to the employees, to be with you.ā€


They rejected his proposal.

ā€œRelax a little, donā€™t be so nervous.ā€ Adrian Zhekovaā€™s tone softened slightly, trying to put Manager Liam and the others at ease.


What on earth does the scumbag CEO want to do!

Can he just get it over with!

ā€œManager Liam.ā€ Adrian Zhekova suddenly called out.

ā€œYes!ā€ Manager Liam immediately mustered all his energy.

ā€œWhat did you eat for breakfast?ā€ Adrian Zhekova asked again.

Manager Liamā€™s face was full of horror. š”£šš›eewešš‹šš—šš˜ššŸeš”©.ššŒš”¬m

Is the scumbag CEO really planning to make small talk with him?

ā€œI had millet porridge and buns.ā€ Manager Liam secretly tasted his mouth; it should not have any bad smell.

He didnā€™t even dare to eat garlic.

And after eating, he even used mouthwash.

ā€œGood choice, did your wife make it?ā€ Adrian Zhekova asked again.

ā€œNo way.ā€ Manager Liam laughed, ā€œMy wife canā€™t wake up that early. When I got up, she was still fast asleep. Our housekeeper made breakfast.ā€

Upon hearing this, Adrian Zhekova proudly laughed, ā€œThis morning I had hot, crispy fried dough sticks made by my fiancĆ©e, freshly squeezed soy milk from her too, and a cold dish she prepared for me.ā€

Manager Liam and the others:

What fiancƩe!

How could the perennially single, scumbag CEO have skipped the dating phase and gone straight to having a fiancƩe?

In shock, the four couldnā€™t help but think, it looks like the scumbag CEO is really no longer single.

No wonder heā€™s so happy, showing off his fiancĆ©e three times in one sentence.

Adrian Zhekova looked satisfied at the four shocked faces.

He then raised his hand to show off his food container to the four, ā€œYou see, this is the snack my fiancĆ©e prepared for me, in case I get hungry while working. She especially baked it for me this morning.ā€

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