Be a Good Boy and Marry Me - C.390 - 309: Mo Shiting can’t bear to part with another woman? _2

Be a Good Boy and Marry Me

C.390 - 309: Mo Shiting can’t bear to part with another woman? _2

Chapter 390: Chapter 309: Mo Shiting can’t bear to part with another woman? _2

The next day, after school in the afternoon, Gu Li rushed back to her dormitory to spruce up before heading to the airport to surprise Mo Shiting.

But when she stepped into her dorm, she immediately felt the peculiar tension in the room.

Her three roommates, usually chatty, exchanged worried glances and fell silent as she came in.

“What’s going on?”

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Gu Li locked the door behind her, puzzled as she walked further in.

Seeing that Qiao Yin and Chen Xue gave no opposition, Mi Dong finally asked, “Pear, has Young Master Mo gone abroad?”

“Yes, he will be back soon.”

Gu Li didn’t hide it from them, then asked, “Why did you ask all of a sudden? Did anything happen?”

She wasn’t a fool. Given her roommates’ unusual behavior, something was definitely off.

Could something have happened to Mo Shiting?

Gu Li’s heart missed a beat at the thought, and she reached out to steady herself against a shelf nearby.

Fortunately, she soon heard Mi Dong explain, “We just found a news piece online. Young Master Mo is making headlines in M Country, and, well… There’s a young woman in the news with him. They were caught on a midnight date.”

“Phew! You scared me.”

Gu Li sighed in relief and patted her chest in jest. With a smile, she said, “I thought something happened to Mo Shiting. Please don’t scare me like that.”

Her roommates were flabbergasted by her unexpected reaction.

After a moment, Chen Xue couldn’t help but ask, “Aren’t you… curious about who that woman is?”

Gu Li was about to ask who the woman was when Qiao Yin jumped in impatiently, “Little Pear, aren’t you worried that Young Master Mo might have done something to betray you?”

“Why would I worry? He would never betray me!”

Gu Li’s reply was firm and resolute.

Her roommates exchanged another round of glances upon hearing her response.

Deciding to let her see for herself, Mi Dong handed her the phone, “You should see it yourself first. No matter what, we all stand with you!”

“Thank you.”

Being aware of her roommates’ genuine concern, Gu Li thanked them with a warm smile, and accepted the phone from Mi Dong.

The news came from a site similar to Microblog in M Country, accompanied by two photos taken at around 11 PM.

The location was the entrance of a villa. Besides Mo Shiting’s silhouette, the photos also featured a stunning young woman.

If one were to speculate from the photos, it would seem that the two had a late- night date, and the woman was sending the man off, parting reluctantly.

Upon scrutinizing the photos, Gu Li noticed that although they were close, there was no actual physical contact. The claims of a passionate goodbye were utter nonsense.

Her Brother Ting wouldn’t part reluctantly with another woman.

Gu Li trusted Mo Shiting from the bottom of her heart.

Nevertheless, seeing the news made her understand her roommates’ reactions.

After all, outsiders wouldn’t comprehend the bond between her and Brother Ting, nor understand him. Thus, they’d easily be deceived by the photos.

But she was involved personally, she wouldn’t be swayed that easily.

More to the point, she recognized the woman in the photos as Qin Shurong.

Considering Miss Qin, who had been eying Mo Shiting, Gu Li couldn’t help but feel a sense of unnerving dislike.

She rarely felt such revulsion towards anyone, yet there was something about Miss Qin that incited this feeling.

“Pear, are you alright?”

Seeing her staring blankly at the phone, Mi Dong poked her arm, concerned. ƒгeeweɓn૦

Snapping back, Gu Li handed the phone back to her, and smiled charmingly, “I’m fine. I know her. She’s a collaborator. This trip to M Country Mo Shiting made was to visit their company. I trust my husband. He wouldn’t do anything to betray me.”

“That’s reassuring!”

Although her roommates were still skeptical, seeing her unaffected made them suspect their apparent misunderstanding of Mo Shiting. They stopped pressing the matter.

After all, they had no right to meddle in Gu Li’s love life.

Moreover, with Little Pear being so charming, surely Young Master Mo wouldn’t be blind enough to cheat on her?

Those members of the media, always taking things out of context, were quite a nuisance.

Even so, one should always beware of fires, theft, and third wheels.

Consequently, Mi Dong couldn’t resist cautioning her, “Little Pear, we all know you and Young Master Mo have a wonderful relationship, but with his status, there will be numerous women throwing themselves at him. Make sure to keep an eye on him. Don’t let those vixens gain the upper hand.”

